Chapter Thirty

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"Oba, leave him alone. Papa has already has already threatened him. Dad too."

"And? My son has gone soft since he met your dad and has only gotten softer with each kid."

"Soft?! Listen here you old hag-!"

"Kacchan! Don't talk to your mother that way!"

"Yes, listen to the omega, or I'll make sure you're in that bed permanently!"

Yeah, this family was nuts, but I enjoyed every second of it. I couldn't ask for better parents for my mate. Bakugou's mother looked back at me with narrowed eyes.

"Anyway.... How do I know you're good enough for my little Nikko? How do I know you won't leave him again. Just because my softie of a son forgave you, doesn't mean I will."

I knew she was challenging me, but I wasn't sure how to respond. I didn't have a lot of experience with Mitsuki because she didn't spend much time with Bakugou when I was with them. From what I understood, they were too similar to get along well. And based on what I'd witnessed so far, that was true. She seemed just as protective as her son, but I didn't have a past relationship to fall back on with her. Maybe she'd respect strength?

"You don't know that. And we don't know each other, so it's not like you could take my word for it. But Nikko is mine. I claimed him and we have a family together. I won't let anyone stand in the way of that. Not you, not Bakugou, and not my father. The only person who can get rid of me is Nikko."

Nikko smiled at me and rose on tip toe to kiss my cheek while Mitsuki stared at me without saying anything. Then she smiled and smacked Bakugou on the back of the head.

"I like this one. He's not a whiny little bitch, unlike some people."

"Oba! Language!"

Shoyo giggled and pointed at her.

"Bad sosobo! Bish!"

Nikko sighed heavily and went to stand by his father.

"I swear, I'm going to have to keep my son away from my entire family! The day he goes to pre school, I just know I'll get a call from the school. How to you feel papa?"

Bakugou smirked as Nikko leaned down to kiss his cheek. As crazy as their family was, there was also a lot of love. Much better than my own family. I could vaguely remember my mother, and I was sure she had loved me, but my father had no idea what love was. Thankfully, I wouldn't have to think about him for much longer. Having Nikko and my son kidnapped had been the wrong move to make, and now we had evidence to put him away for good. Personally, I wanted him to die, but I could accept a life in jail.

"I'm fine son. I'll be out of here in no time. Don't worry about me."

"Yeah, your father is tough, honey. And soon enough, Todo's father won't be able to bother you either. We'll make sure of it. No one messes with my family."

I smiled at Izuku, admiring how fierce of an omega he was. No one would ever doubt he loved his family. Nikko nodded and came back to me for comfort. I handed him Shoyo to hold while I rubbed his back. Violence wasn't something he thought about every day, and his experience was bound to have affected him. Mitsuki raised her eyebrow as she looked at us. It was almost eerie how many mannerisms she shared with her son.

"There's nothing wrong with the way I speak. I raised Katsuki, didn't I? And he turned out just fine. That boy right there is going to be an alpha, I can tell. And you don't want him to be soft."

"Even if he grows up to be an alpha, as long as he's a good person, I don't care if he's soft. The world doesn't need more domineering alphas like my father in it."

Mitsuki just rolled her eyes and crossed her arms before sitting down in a chair next to Bakugous bed. I was glad that she seemed to be backing off. The hospital wasn't exactly the right place for a loud confrontation. Mitsuki left not long after than and we spent about an hour talking with them, reassuring Nikko that his father would be ok. Shoyo was happily bouncing around the room, giggling. When he started to get tired, I decided it was time to go.

"Since we know you're ok, I'm going to take them back home to rest. Let us know if you need anything."

We said our goodbyes and made our way home, stopping to buy chicken nuggets for Shoyo on the way. If he didn't eat before his nap he would wake up grumpy. I'd learned that the hard way. When we got home, Shoyo ate his meal and I made Nikko and I a sandwich. After we had eaten, I put Shoyo down for a nap and relaxed with my omega on the couch. He snuggled against me with a sigh.

"I was worried about my father. I don't know what I would have done if he'd died because of me."

"Sweetheart, you know it wasn't your fault. Don't think that way. Do you think it's my fault?"

He sat up and turned towards me, looking at me with wide eyes.

"Of course it's not your fault! You didn't make Yuno kidnap us or shoot my father."

I didn't even have to say anything. I just raised one eyebrow and looked at him. He flushed and looked away.

"Ok, I see your point. I'll try not to blame myself."

I smiled and pulled him into my arms to hug him. He relaxed against me and I gently rubbed his back. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. My poor omega. Hopefully it wouldn't take him long to get passed this. When I felt he was sleeping deeply, I lifted him up and carried him to our bed and tucked him in. He started to protest when I got up, but settled down when I rubbed his back.

I ran my fingers through his hair before leaving the room and quietly closing the door behind me. I needed to make sure my family was safe. My father was still out there and I couldn't take the chance that he would come after Nikko again. The police were looking for him, but my father wasn't stupid. I was sure he'd known the instant Yuno had failed and Nikko was rescued. By now, I was sure he was in hiding. I sat back down on the couch and started looking through my phone for Togas contact info. Maybe she'd be able to help. She was crazy, but she had told me about Nikko. A slight sound and a small displacement of air had me tensing.

"Oh Shoto, a simple lock? Really? I taught you better than that."

Slowly, I turned around to face my father. I'd been stupid to think he'd go into hiding so quickly. Of course he'd want his revenge first. No matter what, I had to protect my family.

"You're going to die knowing that your omega is going to be the next to be sold on the black market."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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