Chapter Seven

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I was shaking so badly I couldn't even buckle Shoyo into his seat. Yuno gently pushes me out of the way and takes over. I collapse into the front seat of the car and cover my face with my hands, trying to get myself under control. I could still smell peppermint and had to bite my lip to hold back my sob. Why?! Where had he been? Why now?! I didn't know how to deal with this discovery.

Yuno got into the car and helped me buckle my seatbelt before gently taking hold of my hand. He brought it to his lips and just barely brushed his lips over my knuckles, keeping his eyes trained on mine.

"I'm going to take you home. I don't know what happened between you two, but one look and I know that was Shoyos father. It's obvious he wants to be part of your life again."

Immediately, I start shaking my head. No. I didn't know why he was back, but it wasn't because he suddenly wanted me. He'd had plenty of time to come back to me and he hadn't.

"I don't-.... That's not why he's back."

He just shook his head and drove me home. My thoughts were racing. I couldn't accept that as being the reason he came back. Three years was a long time and he hadn't even sent a letter from wherever he'd been. Not even a postcard.

But what if that was what he wanted? I couldn't just go running back to him. What if he left again? I couldn't go through that a second time. And now I had Shoyo to consider. I couldn't put him through that. I wouldn't. I couldn't allow myself to be drawn to him again. I had to stay strong. Yuno pulled up to my house and I was glad to see my father wasn't home yet. I wasn't ready to deal with the backlash of him finding out. Yuno grabbed my arm before I got out of the car and gave me a long look.

"I'll still be here when you're ready. This was unexpected and I know you need time to think about what you want to do."

I shake my head again. I wasn't going back to him.

"No. I don't. I'm not going back to him. I pro-"

He covers my mouth with his hand and shakes his head, watching me with sad eyes.

"Baby, don't make promises you can't keep. I'll always be here for you in whatever capacity you need me to be. Just don't leave me waiting to find out for too long."

He really was the sweetest alpha. I leaned over to give him a gentle kiss then got out of the car. After grabbing Shoyo, I went into the house. My dad came out of the kitchen, smiling widely, and scooped Shoyo out of my arms.

"And how's my best boy? You ready to have fun tonight while mama goes on a date?"

Before I could tell him that there was a change of plans, Shoyo spoke up.

"We went to the store. With the food. Then I had to potty. Mama was talking to my mirr."

He frowned and looked at me in confusion. I really wasn't ready to talk about seeing him. But of course, my son didn't care about that.

"He look like me. But he was real big. He smell like the stripe candy. Yuno-san say he my fadur."

He looked so proud of himself and I could feel my heart start pounding all over again. It really had happened. Todoroki really had been there. He'd seen Shoyo. I burst into tears and sat heavily on the couch. My dad put Shoyo down and sent him to the playroom, before enveloping me in a warm hug.

"Oh honey. Is it true? Did you really see Todoroki?"

I nodded against him shoulder while he rubbed my back.

"I don't know what to do. I'm so angry at him! But there's a part of me that wants to go back to him. He's Shoyos father and he's who I always wanted. But I don't know if I can forgive him. And then, I have to consider Yuno. I can't just drop him the moment Todoroki shows up."

My dad sighs and continues to rub my back.

"Did he tell you why he left?"

"Well.... no. I told him I didn't care. I didn't want to hear his excuse."

My dad pulled away and grabbed a tissue to wipe my face. He gave me a gentle smile and kissed my forehead. Talking to my dad always made me feel better.

"When we first learned that it was Todoroki who'd fathered Shoyo, I was upset. I felt betrayed that he would do that to you. But then I started thinking about it. I helped raise him, and the boy I raised wouldn't have left you without a good reason."

"Do you really think so?"

"Yes honey. Now, that being said, you don't owe him anything. Ultimately it's up to you if you decide to give him another chance. And if you do, you make him work for it."

I gave a watery laugh at that. My dad was kind but he wasn't a pushover and he was fiercely protective of his children.

"As for Yuno, its much more cruel to string him along, waiting for you while you choose someone else. Give yourself time to think about it and make a decision. If you are going to give Todoroki another chance, then you have to break it off with Yuno. And if you decide that's what you want to do, then I'll help you with your father. He's not as forgiving as I am."

That was definitely an understatement. I grimaced just thinking about them being in the same room. I couldn't imagine that meeting going well. My father still growled if Todoroki's name was mentioned. I sighed and nodded.

"I don't know what to do. I think a part of me will always belong to Todoroki. I just don't know if I can let myself care for him again. It was horrible the first time he left."

"Well, maybe start with hearing him out and go from there. I can't tell you what decision you should make, because you have to do what's best for you and your son. Take some time to think about it. Ask yourself what would hurt more. Giving him another chance and it not working out. Or walking away and always wondering if you made a mistake."

I hugged my dad then went to watch Shoyo play. I wasn't ready to make any decisions yet. I knew that if he pushed, I'd have to let him see our son. The laws were clear when it came to alphas and their offspring. He had every right to see him. I just had to decide if I could see him that often without wanting him back in my life. I ruffled my sons hair.

"What do you think, Shoyo? Think we should give papa another chance?"

He grinned at me and handed me a block.

"Papa and mama and Shoyo, togedur."

Well then, I suppose I had my answer. Shoyo was clearly on board with this decision. I would do this for Shoyo. My son deserved a father, after all. It had nothing to do with my racing heart and the flood of feelings that came back when I saw Todoroki. No, nothing at all.

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