Chapter Twenty-Five

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I hoped whoever he went to talk to could ease his mind about the situation with his father. I wasn't worried because I knew my alpha didn't want me get hurt, so he would do everything he could to keep me and our son safe. I ate my food from the restaurant, sighing happily. I felt pretty good now. Although, I would have been even better if he could have stayed for a round two. Oh well. After I finished my meal I cleaned up and bleached the table. In the heat of the moment I hadn't really cared about having sex on the table, but now the thought was enough to make me want to gag.

That done, I went up to take a quick shower, then sent a text to Yuno to let him know he could bring Shoyo home. While I waited for them, I picked up my ball of yarn and knitting needles and attempted, once again, to make something. I didn't know how people made this look so easy! I'd never managed to knit anything for Shoyo as a baby because I'd gotten too frustrated. But now that I wasn't trying to overcome the loss of my alpha as well as pregnancy, I thought maybe I could manage at least a pair of socks.

There was a knock on the door, so I set aside my gnarled mess of yarn and got up to answer it. When I opened the door, instinctively I knew something was wrong, but I was still trying to process it when a cloth covered hand covered my face. I was so surprised, I did exactly what my parents had always cautioned against, I inhaled in a gasp. Immediately my eyes lost focus and I felt my limbs weaken. What? A pair of familiar arms surrounded me and the scent of sandalwood surrounded me. No, this couldn't be right. My thoughts faded as I succumbed to darkness.


A pounding headache assaulted me as I came to. I sat up and lifted my hand to my head, pressing against my aching temples. My mouth fell like cotton and I swallowed, trying to relieve the sensation. A hand came into view holding a glass of water and I looked up, feeling an intense sense of betrayal.

"Where's my son?"

"Take the water. You have your unborn baby to think about, don't you?"

I took the glass suspiciously. Although, if he had planned on killing me, he would have done so already. He had to want something else. I just couldn't figure out why. I didn't know why he would do this. I cautiously took a sip of water, grateful to relieve the dryness in my throat and mouth. I looked at Yuno, studying him. Obviously I'd never really known him, because the Yuno I knew, would never do something like this.

"I need to know that my son is safe."

"He's fine. I didn't hurt him. That's not what this is about."

"Then what is this about?!"

I was getting annoyed now that I knew I wasn't in immediate danger and my son was safe. I stood up, and swayed, feeling dizzy, but slapped away his hands when he reached out to steady me.

"The drugs should wear off soon. You should be more careful. "

"Tell me what's going on!"

"You don't need to worry about anything. If all goes to plan, you wont be harmed, at least not physically. And before you question why I'd tell you this if I didn't plan on killing you, it's because we wont leave behind any evidence. I wont tell you what the plan is, you'll just see the results."

I felt a frown form on my face. What the heck was he talking about? He sounded unhinged. How did I never detect a hint of this in the years I'd known him? It was enough to make me angry and just a little reckless. I tried to slap him but he caught my wrist.

"You don't mean much in the grand scheme of things, so think about your son. If you're going to act like a brat, I'll be forced to kill you. And then where would little Shoyo be?"

I pulled away from him and sat down heavily on the lone chair in the room. I wasn't completely weak. I could figure this out. My parents had drilled it into me from the time I was young to use logic in situations like these. I just needed to calm down and think. First, I needed all the information I could get.

"Have you been planning this the entire time I've known you?"

He started pacing around the small room. I couldn't see fully outside the window because it had bars on the inside of it. There was one door on the other side of him. And aside from the chair in the room, there was a mattress on the floor and a bucket in the corner.

"You've got to be kidding me! I know you don't expect me to use that bucket!"

He cringed and glanced away. Good! I hoped he felt guilty.

"Look, I know this is hard to understand, and I hadn't really planned this out when we first met. That was genuine, I swear. And I do adore Shoyo, how could I not. But he offered me something. Something I knew I could never get on my own."

"Who?! Who offered you revenge? Revenge against who?"

He looked at me with indecision clear on his face. I tried to look as unassuming as possible. I knew as an omega, my word against his wouldn't be enough. But if I knew at least part of the plan, then I could figure out a way to get evidence. And If I could escape, maybe I could stop whatever his plan was.


"Enji?! Shoto's father Enji?! The criminal?!"

My voice rose in a shriek at the last word. I had meant to stay calm, but I couldn't believe this. What plan did he have and why would Yuno want revenge against Shoto? As far as I knew, they'd never met before that day at the supermarket.

"Why would you want revenge against Shoto? He's never done anything to you."

Yuno looked at me in confusion.

"My revenge has nothing to do with that alpha. I don't care about him. Enji just wants to make his life miserable, but he could have killed him at any time in the past three years. He's known he was alive this whole time. But he decided the best revenge would be to take his son. But that wouldn't mean much until after he actually met him. So he waited. It's even better now that he claimed you and you have another child on the way. Enji has a plan to make him sacrifice himself to save you."

No! I gasp left my lips. I couldn't let that happen! Enji wouldn't get my son and he wouldn't hurt my alpha. I'd find a way to stop him.

"But what's in it for you? If you don't care about Shoto."

"He promised me your parents would die."

My parents? Was he insane? What did my parents have to do with this?

"You have no idea what it's like to grow up an orphan. Your parents were responsible for that. My mother died giving birth to me and all I had was my father. But he got taken from me and I went into foster care where family after family abused me."

"I'm sorry that you suffered, but that's not my parents fault. My parents would never have orphaned anyone. They aren't those kind of people."

Yuno was obviously crazy. My parents were good people. He shook his head and glared at me, making me stumble back from the chair. I didn't want him anywhere near me with that look on his face.

"It is your parents fault. My father was falsely accused! He would never have been part of a trafficking ring. They set him up!"

"Yuno, who's your father?"


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