Chapter Eighteen

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I was still pissed so I picked up Nikko, making him squeak in the most adorable way, and sat in his chair and placed him on my lap. Shoyo giggled and I couldn't help but smile. There was no way I'd sit next to Mitsu after all of that. 

I didn't care that she'd apologized, she never should have said anything like that in the first place. I kissed Nikko neck, then reached around him to grab his breakfast. I started feeding him, much to his embarrassment and Shoyos delight.

"Shoto! I can do it myself. "

He squirmed in my lap and I had to grab his hips to stop him.

"If you don't want to be embarrassed, then stop moving around so much."

"What? Oh...."

His blush went all the way down his neck, so I had to kiss him again.

"You guys are so cute!"

Izuku looked at us fondly with his hand resting on his chin.

"I think it's pretty gross. But you and papa are gross too."

His sister Harmonie glanced in our direction. 

"No offense. I think anything with a penis is gross."

I didn't know what to say to that so I just shook my head. 

"I have the weirdest family."

I hugged him and finished feeding him his breakfast, then ate my own.  Shoyo was content to sit on Nikko's lap, sucking his thumb. I could feel Nikko start to tense and took his hand in mine,  gently stroking his knuckles with my thumb. He looked over his shoulder at me and gave me a soft smile, then turned to look at his parents.

"Shoto asked me to move in with him and I think its a good idea."

Well that was news to me. He hadn't been sure when we left my house. Not that I didn't want him there. I couldn't imagine anything better than the thought of my omega and son living with me. Except claiming him so everyone would know he was mine. That was the only thing that would bring me more joy than him living with me. Bakugou stood up from the table and leaned over it aggressively, oozing caramel pheromones.

"Abso-fucking-lutely not! It's too soon and I forbid it!"

"Too soon? Seriously? And I'm and adult! You can't forbid me from doing anything."

Nikkos cherry blossom scent started to layer with the caramel, making me wrinkle my nose. Shoyo started to fidget, looking back and forth between his grandparents and his mom. There was too much anger in the room and it was probably confusing him. I gently lifted Nikko off my lap and placed him and Shoyo behind me.

"You need to calm down. You're upsetting Shoyo."

He had the grace to look at least a little chagrined, but he didn't back down. He stood straight and crossed his arms over his chest and glared at me.

"I didn't mean to upset Shoyo, but I stand by what I said. It's too soon for him to move in with you."

"Yes, yes, you're totally alpha male, now sit down Kacchan. And Harmoni, dear, why don't you take your nephew to play in the backyard. And Mitsu grab all these dishes and start the clean up."

"What?! But cleaning up is an ome-"

"I suggest you not finish that sentence, honey."

I was incredibly impressed with Nikko's dad and the way he handled his family. He hadn't yelled or even raised his voice, yet they all did what he asked of them. Once they cleared from the room, Bakugou sat back down, still glaring at me. I sat in the chair I'd just vacated and pulled Nikko down onto my lap. I rubbed his back as I watched his parents.

"So you want to move in together?"

"Yes. I think we-"

"Why are we even talking about this? I already said no. Nikko is too fucking young to move in with him. They haven't even been together very long."

Izuku frowned at him and sat back in his chair with his arms crossed.

"Really Kacchan? How exactly is their situation different from ours? Do you remember how long it took before you had me move in with you?"

"That's different."

"How is that different?"

"Because I'm me."

Izuku rolls his eyes and turns to look at us.

"Ignore him. I think it's a great idea for you to move in together. As long as you plan on claiming him. You do plan on claiming him, don't you?"

"Dad! Why are you all talking as if I'm not here?"

Nikko pouted an crossed his arms with a frown. I kissed his cheek and nuzzled his neck. I hated for my omega to feel distress, but in this instance, there wasn't anything I could do about it. I looked over at Izuku and the look he gave me made me want to squirm in my seat like a naughty school boy. I understood why his kids listened to him. I remembered a few instances in my childhood when he'd used that voice on me. Interesting to know it still worked.

"Yes. I plan on claiming him. As soon as possible. I don't plan on making the same mistake twice. He's mine and I want everyone to know it."

"This is pointless! I already said-"

I had to look away when Izuku covered Bakugous mouth with his hand and gave him a stern look.

"Hush. The adults are talking Kacchan."

Bakugou looked pissed but he didn't even attempt to remove Izuku's hand from his mouth. They had a very good relationship that I hoped to mirror.

"You have no idea how happy this makes me. I always wanted you to be my son. From that first moment after Uraraka brought you to us. You were so quiet. I was sad when we couldn't keep you and I'm glad to know your dad didn't completely ruin you."

"I-I don't know what to say to that. Thank you. The moments with you as a child are my fondest memories. I'm hoping to make more with my new family."

Nikko turned and hugged me, then kissed my cheek. He turned back to his dad, smiling wide.

"Thank you, dad. I know papa thinks it's too soon, but I've known Shoto for years and we already have a child together."

"I know honey. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I'll be having a long conversation with your father about why he's wrong, later. You two need a chance to be on your own with Shoyo. It will be good for him too. Plus we're always here if you need us."

Nikko sniffled as he tried to hold back his tears. He was so cute when he was getting emotional. Of course I'd never tell him that though. I didn't want him to bite my face off. I had a bit more sense than that.

Bakugou was still glaring at me, but maybe that was just his default. For Nikko and Shoyo's sake, I hoped the animosity would fade with time. I didn't want them to be surrounded by tension any time we were around his family.

"Thank you for giving me another chance. I know I don't deserve it, but I will spend the rest of my life making sure he's happy."

"Oh, you better. If you don't, I'll chop off your balls and feed them to you."


"What? I was just kidding. I can't do that till after you give me more grandkids."

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