Chapter Six

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Three years ago, my father had tried to kill me. And if it weren't for the kindness of one of my fathers men, I'd be dead. But the pain of that moment didn't compare to the way Nikko was looking at me. The pain in his eyes seared me. In all the dreams I had of returning to him, he was always waiting for me. But the alpha looming over his shoulder assured me that wasn't the case.

I looked again at the child he held and felt my heart squeeze painfully. I'd failed my omega. Not only had I left him, but I'd left our son as well. It didn't matter that I hadn't known. It didn't matter that I had good reasons for staying away. I should have tried to get word to him. To let him know I had every intention of coming back. I looked back at Nikko and raised my hand to wipe his tears only to let it fall when the strange alpha pulled him back against his chest.

"Nikko, please. Let me explain."

He just shook his head, those beautiful green eyes glistening with tears. Tears that I'd caused with my neglect. I really was a worthless alpha. I had to find a way to make it up to him.


He made a slashing motion with his hand and glared at me through his tears. Even like this, my omega was beautiful.

"No! You don't get to just appear and expect me to welcome you back! The time for explanations is over! I don't want to hear anything you have to say."

I could tell he meant it and it hurt that he didn't want to let me explain. But I knew him. I just had to have patience. Good thing I had a ton of it. I'd needed it to get my dad off my back after he attempted to murder me. I reached out to grab his arm only to have the alpha pull Nikko behind him.

"He said no. Now run along and get lost. It's what you're good at."

Who did this alpha think he was? As if this weak pup could keep me from my omega. I ignored his puffed up chest and released my pheromones, making him lower his gaze. He was in no way my equal, even if he was an alpha. I glared at him and strengthened my pheromones until he was shaking. If this pup wanted to fight for dominance, he'd lose. I only stopped when I heard Nikko whimper. The alpha released a pent up breath and kept his gaze on the floor. I smirked before schooling my face to look at Nikko.

"I'll give you some time, but we will talk Nikko. I have to explain. And I have a right to know my son."

Nikko refused to look at me, but I let it go. He needed time and I'd give it to him. I owed him that much. I looked again at the boy who was watching me curiously. It was a little unsettling how much he looked like me. I wanted to growl and snatch him away from the other alphas arms, but I held myself back. I didn't have the right to do that. Not yet. I turned and walked away. I'd give him some time to cool off, then we'd talk.

I made my way to the house I'd just purchased. When I'd gotten back to the city, I'd seen it and knew my omega would love it. The house was a modest two story home with a fenced yard and small pool. The floor plan was open concept and it boasted large windows to let in natural light and had four bedrooms and three bathrooms. It was the perfect house for a growing family but it would be lonely if I couldn't convince my omega to give me another chance. Not for the first time, I wondered what would have happened if I hadn't left in the middle of the night. Would we be happily raising our child, with another on the way? Or would we both be dead?

I didn't know and I probably never would. I'd made a decision and now I had to live with the consequences. I just hoped it hadn't cost me everything. I don't know what I'd do if Nikko didn't forgive me. He was all I'd thought about when I was recovering and then when I was making plans to get rid of my father. I'd managed to finish law school in record time. While I was safe from my father, I'd slowly been gathering evidence against him and now I was ready to expose him. I just had to make sure Nikko was safe before I did. I wouldn't be able to survive if he got hurt because of me.

Collapsing onto the leather couch, I let out a sigh. I really thought our meeting would have gone differently. But fuck was my omega beautiful! Those three years had matured him in the most wonderful way. His blonde hair was longer and his eyes impossibly bigger and ringed by such long lashes. The slender body and graceful movement of his limbs was enthralling. I had missed him.

Growing up, I'd never had any intention to claim him. He was much younger than I was and too innocent for someone like me. But the night of his heat changed that. He was different. I'd never had trouble ignoring an omegas heat before him. And I'd never lost myself so thoroughly that I couldn't remember what I'd done. That had to mean Nikko was supposed to be mine. Maybe that's what he'd been trying to tell me all those years with his constant flirting.

He'd know before I had that we were meant to be. He hadn't let my reluctance change his mind. And now, I would do the same. I would have patience and I wouldn't give up on him. I'd find a way to make him forgive me. I needed him and he needed me. I just had to figure out the best way to go about it. I'd give him time to realize I wasn't going anywhere and if he still didn't contact me, I'd go to him.

I cringed at the thought of facing the Bakugous. I could only imagine the anger I'd face. I'm sure they felt like I had betrayed their trust by sleeping with their son and then abandoning him. But I was hoping that they would see reason. That they would realize that Nikko needed me and was meant to be mine as much as I needed and belonged to him.

My thoughts turned to my son. He had seemed fairly easy going. Much like I had been when I was a kid, but probably for different reasons. Hopefully, he wouldn't give me too much trouble. It would break something in me if my own son wanted nothing to do with me. I hoped he could forgive me. That other alpha had to go though. I wouldn't allow him to keep courting my omega. I was happy he'd been there for Nikko and my son, but now that I was back, he was no longer needed. I smirked, thinking about how I'd get rid of him. He wasn't strong enough to protect my omega and he was no match for me. It probably wouldn't be hard to send him on his way. I pulled out my phone and ordered some food while I began to plot my next move.

Just a little longer Nikko. Wait for me.

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