Chapter Nineteen

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Even though he'd complained so thoroughly about it, a week later, my father was helping us move. He helped me pack some of Shoyo's favorite toys and blankets. Shoto had apparently gone overboard in shopping for him, so we didn't need to take much. And my parents thought it was a good idea to leave his stuff here for when he visited anyway.

I'd explained to Shoyo that we were moving, but I don't think he quite understood what it meant. He was excited for it though. He wanted to see his new things. I hoped he would be ok once he realized it was permanent.

I gave my father a sideways hug and rested my head against his chest. I could remember being small and sleeping against this exact spot. The sound of his heartbeat had always soothed me. My father was this larger than life alpha, always protective and caring. I had fond memories of ice cream dates and piggy back rides. Of playing in the park and going on adventures. I wanted Shoyo to have the same kind of relationship with his father that I had with mine.

"You know I love you, right?"

"I know."

I giggled when he smacked the back of my head lightly, and rose up on tip toe to kiss his cheek.

"I love you too, papa. And I'm sorry if this hurt you, but it's what I've always wanted. I have to at least try to make it work. You're the one who taught me never to give up. To always go after the things I wanted."

He ruffled my hair, smiling down at me.

"Who knew when I told you those things, that one day you'd be throwing them in my face? I guess I have to accept the fact that you're growing up. You know I'll always be here if you need me. And if that bastard steps out of line, tell me. I'll come kick his ass!"

"Papa! Will you stop? I know that you like him. You don't have to pretend otherwise."

My father sighed and hugged me tight before releasing me to finish packing.

"I do like him. Todoroki isn't a bad guy. He's a pretty decent alpha. I don't like that he hurt you, however unintentionally and I do think he needs to make up for it. But even if I do like him, it doesn't mean I can't give him shit."

He walked out of the room laughing, leaving me to shake my head. He'd never change. I walked into my room to finish packing my clothes and a few momentos I couldn't part with. I could hear Shoto and my father bickering and my dad chiming in and had to smile. I grabbed the last box from my room and headed downstairs to save my alpha from my parents. Shoto appeared just I got to the last step and he took the box from me.

"Why didn't you call for me? I would have carried this down for you."

"That's sweet of you but I'm not an invalid. I can carry a box without breaking anything."

"I didn't mean to imply that you couldn't. Just.... that's what I'm here for. So let me help."

I smiled as I stroked his cheek. He could be really sweet. I knew he'd be just as protective and caring as my father. Moments like these proved that he would be a good alpha for me. We finished getting everything packed and into the moving truck Shoto had hired. When we said our goodbyes, my dad was teary eyed and hugged me tight.

"If you need anything, call us!"

"Relax dad, we'll be ok. It's not like we're moving to the moon, we're less than ten minutes away. I love you and I'll call to set up a dinner party in a few days once we're settled, ok?"

He hugged me tight again, nodding, then passed me to my father. He hugged me tight, then glared at Shoto.

"You take good care of him. You'll regret it if you don't"

"I plan to."

We wrapped up our goodbyes then were drove to our new home. I hadn't had too much time to explore it, because I'd been a bite preoccupied last time. So this time, Shoto gave me a tour, starting of course, with Shoyo's room. He was thrilled at the sky blue walls with a jungle mural and jungle themed sheets and pillows. There was all kinds of toys and a dresser that was shaped like tree. It was a beautiful room, and our soon was happy to play while I finished the tour.

There were two other rooms besides the master and Shoyo's room. Three bathrooms in total, an office and a big open kitchen that connected to the dining room. The living room was luxurious and yet still wam and inviting. It was a gorgeous house. After unpacking and getting everything placed in the correct room, we decided to order in. We were both tired and didn't feel like cooking.

Dinner was quiet, and after a bath, Shoyo went right to sleep. He was happy to let his father read him a book and I relaxed on the couch with a glass of wine. I was feeling pleasantly warm and fuzzy by the time Shoto came back downstairs.

"Nikko, how much did you drink?"

"Hmm. Just a glass. Or maybe two. I don't know. Who's counting?"

I felt a giggle bubble up through my chest and had to let it out. Shoto gave me a concerned look but I don't know why. I was fine. Amazing even. Yes. Life was awesome.

"Did anyone ever tell you that you are freaking hot?!"

"Baby, I think that's enough wine for you."

I quickly downed my glass so he couldn't take it from me. I could feel a flush creep its way up my neck.

"Is it hot in here? I think it's hot."

I started to take off my clothes. Why did it get so hot all of a sudden? Shoto reached out and grabbed my arm, stopping me from taking off my pants. My shirt was hanging off the back of the couch.

"Nikko, you have had wine before right?"

"Yeah. Of course. My dad let me have a sip of his after I came home from the hospital with Shoyo. He said I deserved it. But it didn't taste as good as this stuff."

He frowned at me and started looking around, still keeping hold of my arm. I didn't know what he was looking for, but I thought it was a good time to pinch that delectable ass of his. He jumped and held me at arms length.

"Nikko, you drank the whole bottle."

He held up an empty bottle. Why he was showing it to me, I didn't know. Why would I want an empty bottle?

"Nikko, I think it's time to go to bed."

"Bed! Yes! Exsurllent idea! We canna be nekkid. And do the do!"

I started giggling again and couldn't seem to stop. I don't know what was so funny. Maybe being naked? I giggled again. I liked that word.

"Naked with Shoto!"

"Baby, shh. You'll wake Shoyo."

Oh yeah, no. Wouldn't want that! I put a finger to my lips and made a shushing sound. Shoto smiled at me and helped me climb the stairs. I wasn't sure when they turned sideways like that, but that was dangerous. We'd need to fix that so Shoyo didn't get hurt.

"I like when you smile. Gives me butterflies."

He stroked my cheek and I blinked and we were in his room. Our room now I guess. I smiled at him and blinked. Why was it so hard to open my eyes?

"Are we doing the do now? Mm, ready."

"Shhh. Later."

I felt his hand stroking my hair and that was it. Lights out.

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