Chapter Twenty-Six

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I left to meet with Toga at the coffee shop. I didn't think it would take too long, and while I trusted her because she'd saved my life, she did still work for my father. I didn't think she would betray me, but I wanted to be careful. I had to think about Nikko and Shoyo. I would never invite someone I couldn't trust completely to my house.

I pulled up to the coffee shop and parked, glancing around to see if she was waiting outside. Sometimes, she like that stupid cloak and dagger stuff. When I didn't see her immediately, I got out of my car and went inside. I spotted her familiar blonde pigtails as she leaned over her phone and sipped on some kind of iced coffee. I sat across from her and cleared my throat when she didn't look up.

"I know you're there silly. I'm just confirming something."

I waited impatiently for her to put her phone away. She was the one who'd contacted me and now she was making me wait. Finally, she put her phone away and looked at me, sipping her coffee.

"When I saved you that night, I told you that you had to stay away. That was the deal."

"I know. But after three years I thought it would be ok. He hadn't tried to come after me and I got tired of hiding. You agreed to help me take him down."

"I did! But you fucked up the timeline and I wasn't ready!"

"What do you mean? You had three years? How many more did you need?"

"Ugh! You alphas are so stupid. I told you that when I had something I'd find you. You couldn't come back until then. But no! You thought with your stupid alpha brain that you knew better than I did. And then to compound your stupidity, you went back to that omega!"

I frowned. Why did she know about that? Did she follow me? Was Nikko in danger?

"Calm down candy cane. You can get that look off your face. I didn't do a damn thing. But you should be worried."

I stood in a rush and loomed over her, pheromones going out of control. She didn't look the least bit concerned. She simply waved her hand in front of her nose and sat back in her chair.

"Sit down, or I wont tell you what I know. You don't even come close to your dad when it comes to intimidation."

I wanted to rant and rave, but I knew how stubborn she was. If I wanted to know whatever it was she'd called me for, I needed to calm down. I sat and crossed my arms, trying to calm myself.

"Tell me, I need to get home to my mate."

"By the time you get there, he wont be there."

Before I knew it, I was up with my hand around her throat and people were screaming. I tuned them out and glared down at her.

"What have you done with him?!"

She laughed and wrapped her hand around mine.

"Choke me harder, Daddy."

I let her go as if she burned my skin. What the hell was wrong with her? She continued to laugh as she looked at me, completely unconcerned with my anger. I'd forgotten what a complete psychopath she was. This wasn't going to get me anywhere and I didn't have time to waste if my omega was in danger. I turned to go and she grabbed my arm.

"If you play this right, he'll stay safe. He wants the parents more than he cares about hurting you. You were betrayed, but it wasn't by me. Expect his call, and good luck."

I didn't bother to stay and thank her. I rushed out of the coffee shop, already dialing Nikko, but he didn't answer. That didn't have to mean anything. Maybe he was just putting Shoyo to bed. But I knew I was lying to myself. When I got back home, I slammed the car into park and ran to the door. It was open. I knew without a doubt he wasn't here, but I still checked every room.

I jumped back into the car and sped over to Yuno's house. I would at least get Shoyo and take him to the Bakugous. They could keep him safe while I confronted my father and got my omega back. When I pulled up to Yuno's I had a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. I got out of the car and started knocking on the door. When he didn't answer I turned the knob and it opened. Son of a bitch! I searched the whole house and didn't find my son, Yuno, or Nikko.

Toga was right. I'd been stupid. I 'd thought that because my father hadn't immediately come after me, that we were safe. And now my son and mate would pay for it. I couldn't let that happen. As much as I wanted to rush over to my fathers place, I knew I had to be smart. I needed a plan. And I needed help. I got back into my car once again and drove over to the Bakugous. I knew their son and grandson's safety was more important than any anger they'd have towards me.

I'd forgotten that they weren't going to be home tonight so when I pulled up to their house and noticed the missing car I had a moment of indecision. I didn't have their numbers so I couldn't call them, but I didn't want to sit around and wait either. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, then turned off the car and got out to pace. In the end, I had to wait. They had to know what happened to them and I desperately needed help.

I paced back and forth, equal parts worry and anger coursing through me. This was all my fault. If either of them got hurt because of me I'd never be able to forgive myself. I wasn't sure how long I'd been pacing when headlights finally shone in the dark and nearly blinded me. I stepped out of the driveway and waited impatiently for them to get out of the car. Izuku was the first to get out and he looked at me with a frown.

"Todoroki? Is everything ok?"

No, and if I didn't get my family back, nothing would ever be ok again. I needed my omega. I opened and closed my mouth several times, but I didn't know how to put into words what I was feeling. He slowly approached me and placed his hand on my arm.

"Todo, honey. Where are Nikko and Shoyo? What are you doing here all alone?"

The words burst from me like water from a damn.

"I'm so sorry. He has them."

Bakugou approached and looked at me with narrowed eyes. I think he knew what I was going to say.

"My father. Yuno betrayed us. He helped my father and now he has them both. I need your help."

Izuku let out a gasp and covered his mouth, looking at me with wide eyes. Bakugou took that opportunity to slam his fist into my face. I should have prepared myself for it, honestly. He had always been quick to anger and its not like the situation didn't warrant anger. I blocked his next punch, but didn't bother trying to fight back. I didn't want to fight.

"You son of a bitch! You put my son an grandson in danger!"

I kept blocking his punches and backing away. I understood his anger and could accept the blame, so I'd let him work this out. But I wouldn't fight him back. Izuku stepped between us and Bakugou barely stopped himself from hitting him.


"But he-"

"I said ENOUGH! We are going to calmly go inside and come up with a plan to get my son back. Is that clear?"

I nodded and glanced at Bakugou who was glaring at me and hadn't said anything.

"I said, is that clear?"

He jerked his elbow back into Bakugous stomach, making him grunt.


We made our way into the house and Izuku sat on the couch while I paced across the room. Bakugou stood behind him with his arms crossed, still glaring.

"Ok, tell us everything that happened."

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