Chapter One

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Fuck! He was at it again. Batting those long lashes at me and smiling coyly. I could almost be thankful for my upbringing, since it enabled me to keep a blank face. I thought I'd set him straight last year when he'd tried to kiss me on his birthday. I thought it would stop there, but I'd been wrong. Every time I had gone home with Mitsu on break, he was there, trying out some new way to get me to notice him. What he didn't seem to realize, was that I always noticed him. He was just too young and too innocent for me.

Eventually, I'd convinced Mitsu that we were better as friends than lovers. I made her think it was her idea for us to break up. That just because her dad wanted us to get married, didn't mean we had to. I wanted her to find true happiness and love someday. I knew she wouldn't find that with me. At least, that's what I wanted her to think. It's not like I could tell her we couldn't be together because I craved her brother. The Bakugous had always been kind to me and treated me like a son, and I couldn't repay them by getting involved with their youngest child. I wasn't the man they thought I was. When I was around them, I could pretend, but as my father was always quick to remind me, I belonged to him.

Those years with the Bakugous were something I could look back on and smile when things got bad with my dad. After those few years in jail, he'd gotten smarter. He managed to stay off the police radar. Not that he stopped committing crimes. After he got out of jail he started using his money and influence to get in with the local mafia and now he was deep in their organization. He could pretty much get away with anything. I'd seen him commit murder, rape, theft. I hated him, but I couldn't turn him in.

If I ratted him out, I'd go down with him. When I was too young to understand, I'd helped my father commit murder. It was something he lorded over me. That, and he promised I wouldn't live to see jail. I knew he'd do it too. My mother sent him to jail once and look what happened to her. I scrubbed all emotion from my face as I looked down at Nikko. He was beautiful. He'd been a cute kid and every year closer to adulthood had been kind to him. He had his dads expressive green eyes lined with thick lashes, a delicate face spattered in freckles. A pointed chin and silky blonde hair from his father. He looked like an angel. He sure didn't act like one though.

He cocked his hip and stuck his ass out as he leaned against the table, pouting those pink lips. It took everything I had not to react to his blatant invitation. I took a shallow breath, ignoring the pheromones he was throwing around the room. He fluttered his lashes again as he licked his lips. How had he even found me at this particular coffee shop?

"Todo, please. Just this once."





His voice was full of exasperation and I knew that meant he was about to start throwing a tantrum. I didn't have time for this. My father was meeting me here and I didn't want Nikko anywhere near him. My father didn't have the same morals that I did and Nikko was too pretty. If my father saw him, he would want to own him. I couldn't let that happen. I let out a sigh and gave in. It was the better option since I couldn't bring myself to hurt him.

"Fine. I'll take you."

His face lit up as he smiled. I could almost swear the earth stopped moving.

"But it's not a date! Now get out of here. I've got things to do."

He smirked at me and threw a wink over his shoulder as he sashayed away.

"Whatever you say, Todo."

I watched him walk away with a sinking feeling in my gut. I knew I shouldn't encourage him. I had no intention of ever being with him. It wasn't just our age difference holding me back. He was just too innocent for me. Being with me would corrupt him. He needed to settle down with a nice alpha when he grew up. Not someone tainted like me. I sighed and rubbed a hand across my face before settling back in my seat.

I quickly blanked my expression when I saw my father enter the coffee shop. I hoped like hell he hadn't seen Nikko leave or the feeling he invoked in me. I couldn't let my father have another way to control me. My father and his thugs made their way towards my table and the atmosphere immediately became tense. Several people got up and left from the angry pheromones my father was throwing out. I wanted to roll my eyes at the posturing, but I knew that was a quick way to end up with a fist in my face.



He sat down across from me, smirking. I wanted to punch that smug look off his face, but I knew it wouldn't end well for me. It was better to just find out what he wanted and get the meeting over with as soon as possible. It became a waiting game to see who would break first. It wouldn't be me. I would wait until he told me why he called me here. Finally, he gave up.

"You're going to help me."

I simply raised an eyebrow and waited for him to get to the point. I knew I had to do whatever he wanted, but I wasn't going to ask him for details. He'd have to tell me what he wanted. He rolled his eyes and frowned at me.

"Still such a child."

I knew better than to react. That's what he wanted. He'd get bored with his head games eventually, I just had to be patient.

"There's a detective harassing my associates. I need you to make him stop. I don't care how. If we make a move against him, it will lead back to us, and we can't have that. So I need you to take care of it. Make him drop the case."

I felt a frown cross my face and quickly smoothed my expression. What was I supposed to do against a detective? I wasn't a trained killer, no matter how many times my father tried to get me to kill for him. I helped out with the petty stuff because I didn't have a choice, but I hadn't killed anyone on purpose. Maybe there was a way to make whatever evidence the guy had, disappear. I was good at hacking. I'd graduated top of the class with a masters in computer science. I could do this without anyone having to get hurt.

"I'll get it done. What's the name of the detective?"

His smirk told me I wasn't going to like his answer. I just didn't realize how much I'd hate it.

"That bastard who's been trying to put me away for years. Katsuki Bakugou."

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