Chapter Twelve

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It had been two weeks and I still hadn't heard from my omega. I was starting to get a bit anxious. I knew he wanted me, but I was starting to think that I'd been too aggressive that day at the park and had scared him off. It was making me a bit irritable to be around. My colleagues at the law firm were already afraid of me. My first few days, I'd really tried to be nice. But everyone was so annoying. All the idle chatter and gossip was irritating. And the people who worked here seemed to be the worst sort of people. Part of it was probably me being upset at not having my omega, but I was starting to realize I just wasn't a people person.

The few beta males and females who worked here weren't so bad, but the alphas here were the worst. They were the kind of alphas I couldn't stand. The kind that thought omegas were only good for fun or making babies. Every time I heard them talking about omegas I wanted to slam them into the wall. It was getting harder to bite my tongue. All these pretentious alphas thinking they were the cream of the crop, simply because they were alphas, was disgusting. They gave the rest of us alphas a bad name.

I couldn't take it anymore. After I finished work for the day, I was going to hunt down my omega. I didn't want to be away from him anymore. I needed to see him and I needed to see my son. Maybe I could take them to dinner. I started packing up my thing to leave early when I overheard some of the alphas talking.

"Ah, Nemuri! I didn't see you at lunch earlier. I have to tell you about this omega I saw."

"Oh? Tell me more Keigo."

I started tuning them out, only half listening. It would only piss me off and I wanted to be in a good mood when I saw my son and Nikko.

".... but he had a kid?"

"Yeah. He was fucking hot and unclaimed, too. Him being unclaimed with a kid means he's probably easy. Maybe he can get a sitter for that split haired kid."

"Split hair? What do you mean?"

"The kid had red and white hair split straight down the middle. Looked nothing like that hot piece of ass either and I would have thought he was just a sitter except the brat called him 'mama'."

I was out of my office and had my hand wrapped around the other alphas throat without even thinking. I shoved him back against the wall. He choked and gasped in my grip and tried to push me off him. The other alpha he'd been talking to grabbed ahold of my arm and tried to pull me back. She let out a whimper and immediately backed down when I flooded the hallway with my pheromones.

The guy I was choking tilted his head back as best as he could, baring his throat to me. I shook him a little bit before releasing him. He dropped to the ground, gasping for air while I tried to gain control of myself.

"What the hell man?"

"That's my omega and my son you're talking about. Don't disrespect them again!"

I barely stopped myself from going after him again, but the threat must have been in my eyes because the female grabbed him and dragged him away from me. I wanted to drag him back and beat the shit out of him. How dare he talk about my omega like he was a piece of meat!? And not like Shoyo? He was the sweetest child alive. I took deep breaths to calm myself and went back into the office to collect my things. That alpha better hope I didn't come across him any time soon.

I got in my car and drove to a flower shop to pick up a bouquet of lilacs. They used to be his favorite flower and hopefully they still were. Then I drove to his parents house. I was glad to see that the driveway was empty. I didn't need any more confrontation today. I grabbed the bouquet and went to knock on the door.

My omega opened the door with a smile, then frowned. He looked behind me then back up at me.

"Oh, Todo. I thought you were someone else."

That made me want to growl and beat my chest like some Neanderthal. Wasn't my omega happy to see me? Why did he have that smile for someone else? I shoved the bouquet at him and he grabbed them on reflex. He looked down in surprise, then his face lit up.

"Oh, Todo! You remembered! Lilacs are my favorite!"

My chest swelled with pride. I'd put that smile on his face! Me! Not anyone else! I cleared my throat before any of those words could accidentally leak out. That would be embarrassing.

"Of course I remembered your favorite flower. I remember a lot of things you used to like."

His face flushed and he looked down. Then he stepped back and invited me inside.

"So, who were you waiting for?"

"Oh, just Yuno. He's coming over for dinner. You're welcome to stay if you like."

"Yes. I'd like that. I want to spend more time with Shoyo."

His smile lights up his face as he grins widely at me. If he had a tail, it'd be wagging.

"I was actually going to call you about that tomorrow. Shoyo has asked about you a few times since the park. I don't know what kind of schedule you have, but maybe on weekends we could go to the park? The first few times I'd need to be there because I want him to be comfortable. He doesn't know you yet."

I smiled and felt myself nodding. That sounded reasonable to me. Plus, it meant I'd get to be around Nikko. The more time I spent with him, the more chances I'd have to convince him to forgive me and give me another chance. Shoyo walked into the room, and as much as I wanted to rush to him and hug him, I didn't want to scare him. He waved to me before running over to Nikko and asking to be picked up.

Nikko smiled and kissed the top of his head before heading into the kitchen to put the flowers in a vase. I could smell chicken roasting and the table was set for two. I frowned. Was this some kind of date? I was definitely staying if that was the case. There was a knock on the door and my son looked over excitedly.

"I get it!"

Nikko put him down and we followed as he went to the door. He pressed his ear against the door, letting out a giggle.

"Who dis?"

"It's Yuno, may I come in?"

He struggled a little, but managed opened the door, laughing happily as Yuno swept him up into a hug. Rage rushed through me at the sight. I couldn't let this stand. I had to make the most of every moment I had with my son and omega. I couldn't allow them to replace me with this alpha pup.

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