Chapter Twenty-One

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Shoto looked at me with wide eyes and didn't say anything. Well, crap. Maybe I'd made a mistake. Maybe he wasn't ready for more yet. I started chewing on my lip, thinking of what to say. I probably should have been dropping hints before now. It was stupid to blindside him like this.

I nearly jumped out of my skin, not having realized I'd shut my eyes, when his thumb smoothed across my lips. I looked up to find him looking at me with a tender expression on his face. Oh no, he was going to tell me he didn't want any more kids.

"Your face has always been so expressive. I could always tell what you were thinking without you having to say a word. It's one of the things I like about you. Of course I want more children with you. I was just a little surprised you mentioned it now. You don't think it's too soon?"

"Well, Shoyo is already three. Four years apart isn't too soon. That's how far apart I am with my siblings."

He laughed and stroked my cheek and I leaned against his hand, welcoming his comfort.

"I meant with us. Yes Shoyo is three now, but while we have a lot of history together, we haven't been in a relationship for very long."

"You haven't changed you mind about claiming me, right?"

"No. I'm going to claim you the first chance I get."

I felt myself flush with how quick he was to answer and the predatory tone in his voice. I barely suppressed a shiver at his possessive look.

"Well, if you're going to claim me right away, I don't want to wait. I've always wanted a large family."

"As long as you're sure."

I nodded and he leaned forward to kiss me softly. I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulled away slightly and gently kissed the scratch I had beneath my eye.

"We can have as many kids as you want, sweetheart. I just want you happy. Bringing you joy is my purpose in life."

Before I could fling myself at him and tell him we should get some practice in, the doorbell rang. I'd almost forgotten about ordering pizza. I suppose it was a good thing we were interrupted though. Shoyo could have wandered into the room at any moment. Of course that's the exact moment he came flying into the room too.

"Pisa! Pisa! Nom nom nom!"

I laughed and scooped him up into my arms, making him giggle. Shoyo was such a joy, why wouldn't I want more?


I sat in the jet tub, trying to relax. Tonight was the night. Or, at least, I hoped it was. My heat was soon, but whether it would hit me in the next minute or the next day was uncertain. Shoto had taken our son to my parents to watch until my heat ended. Hopefully this heat would be very similar to my first with him and I'd conceive right away.

I wanted to experience pregnancy all over again, only this time with Shoto by my side for the whole thing. I wanted to see the excitement on his face at the baby's first kick. To have him rub my back when it ached. To have him rush me to the hospital when my water broke. Maybe it was wrong to be excited for those things, but I couldn't help it. It was an omega thing. Or maybe just a me thing.

My dad and I had never had that conversation. Maybe it was completely normal to want to be pregnant and pampered. I should ask him that the next time I saw him. Although. maybe not. Who knew where that type of conversation would lead.

After pulling the plug, I stood and let the water run down my skin. I grabbed the towel I'd placed on the side of the tub and quickly dried myself. Then I wrapped the towel around my chest and walked into the bedroom. I debated just getting into bed naked, but in the end I decided I wasn't really that bold, so I went into the closet and grabbed one of Shoto's shirts and put that on.

His peppermint scent comforted me and I curled up on the bed with a manga to wait for him. I was only two chapters into Given when I heard him downstairs. I set the manga aside and sat up. When he walked into the room I was still trying to arrange myself to look both casual and sexy.

"What are you doing, baby?"

"I was trying to look presentable for you."

He came and sat on the bed and ran his fingers through my hair before kissing me softly. I sighed and leaned against him.

"Sweetheart, you don't have to anything to get my attention. Whether you were lying naked in bed or were in ratty sweatpants, I'd still desire you. It's not your body that draws me to you. Its everything you are as a person."

I felt myself flush and looked down at the bed. How did he say stuff like that with a straight face? Why was he so sweet? It was almost too much to take. I felt so lucky that such a great alpha wanted me as much as I wanted him. I was glad that he'd come back and now we had the chance to be the family I'd always wanted us to be. I leaned forward and kissed him.

"I love you, Shoto."

"I love you too, Nikko. And I'm going to claim you so the whole world can know it."

I knew the room flooded with my pheromones at that, but I couldn't help it. To know how much my alpha wanted me, made the omega in me preen. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sat up to straddle him. His hands went to my hips to hold me in place, then lifted his shirt from my body and tossed it onto the floor.

Instinctively, I began to rock my hips against him and could feel slick began to build. His lips met mine in a frenzied battle of teeth and tongue. He gently rolled me onto the bed, still exploring my mouth. I wrapped my legs around his hips and rolled my hips against his clothed erection.

"Too many clothes."

When he ignored me and continued to kiss me, I grabbed his shirt and tugged. Buttons popped off as I pulled the shirt apart. He groaned as I ran my hands up his chest and pulled away.

"So impatient. We have plenty of time. No need to rush."

In response, I leaned forward and bit his collarbone before flicking my tongue over it. He let out a hiss of breath before pinning my arms above my head. Then he proceeded to kiss me senseless. Our tongues dueled and explored each others mouths, only stopping to pant for breath. He trailed kissed down my neck, licking and nipping at my sensitive skin.

"I'm going to mark you here. Then everyone will know you belong to me."

His words triggered my heat. Then everything became intense sensations of need and desire. Every sensation was overwhelming and I couldn't hold back my moans. Every touch and kiss was driving me wild. I don't know when he lost his pants, but the feel of his bare skin against mine had me mewling.

I wrapped my legs around his waist, arching my hips, begging without words for him to take me. I moaned at the first press on his erection against my hole. Nothing mattered but feeling him inside me.

"Please. Need you!"

He thrust hard into me, not stopping until his hips rested against my ass. Lightening struck my veins and I let out a cry. His hips began a steady rhythm of thrust and retreat. Heat built inside me, coiling in my core.

"You're mine!"


Then his teeth were sinking into my gland and I was cumming. I screamed as sensations bombarded me and my world turned white. I felt the searing heat as he came, right before I blacked out.

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