Chapter Sixteen

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I woke up the next morning with Nikko pressed against me. I smiled and ran my hand down his back. This was how it was meant to be. The only thing that would make this better would be Shoyo in the room I'd decorated for him. I wanted my family with me. I pressed a kiss to the top of Nikko's head and he let out a sleepy sigh, nuzzling into my chest.


I rolled him onto his back and pinned him down, giving him a mock frown. I kissed his pulse point then nipped the lobe of his ear.

"It's Shoto, remember?"

He shivered against me and blushed, before nodding. I loved the soft look in his eyes. My omega should always be happy when he was with me.


I rewarded him with a soft kiss.

"Come on, baby. Let's shower before I take you home. You'll have to wear something of mine, but at least you don't have to walk in the door wearing yesterdays clothes."

I pulled him with me to the bathroom and watched as he took it in with wide eyes. I'd bought this house with Nikko in mind. The kitchen and bathroom were what drew me, as well as the open concept and large windows. The bathroom was spacious with heated blue floor tiles and light gray walls. There was a double sink with plenty of counter space for whatever toiletries he might want, and plenty of soft lighting. The shower was large with a rainfall effect that was controlled through an electronic panel in the wall and the tub sat in the center of the room. It was a luxurious jet tub that was big enough for four and was sunken into the floor with steps leading down into it.

"Do you like it?"

"It's beautiful. I've never gone without, and my parents spoiled us, but I've never seen anything so luxurious. Are you rich?"

I smiled and hugged him, kissing the top of his head, before walking over to the shower and turning it on.

"I wouldn't say rich, exactly. But my grandmother left me some money and I make a decent salary as a lawyer."

He rolled his eyes playfully then joined me in front of the shower. When he stepped behind the glass wall, he sighed happily at the temperature of the water. I watched, mesmerized, as the water trailed down his body. He was so beautiful. And not just his body, though that's what held my eye at the moment. He had a beautiful soul.

I joined him in the shower and grabbed the bottle of shampoo. I'd have to find out what kind he liked so I could get some for him, but for now he could use mine. I squirted some onto my hands and built up a lather before washing his hair. He sighed and leaned against me, letting me pamper him. I was happy to spoil him. I gently rinsed his hair and then applied conditioner, letting it sit while I washed his body.

He looked at me shyly and blushed when I washed his more sensitive parts. I smiled at him as I knelt and began to wash his legs and feet. Any alpha who wasn't willing to do this for his mate, wasn't a proper alpha in my opinion. Alphas were meant to protect and provide, but also pamper. When I finished washing him, I quickly washed myself. I had to decline when he offered to help. As much as I wanted his hands on me, I knew where that would lead. Not that I let that stop me from giving him a blow job.

Satisfied that I'd taken care of all of his needs, I turned off the shower and grabbed a towel from the warmer drying him off. He watched me with a bemused expression, a faint flush still visible on his skin. I kissed the tip of his nose then grabbed clothes for us. I chose a pair of sweats and t-shirt for him and had to hold back a laugh. I had to roll up the pant legs several times and tie the string as tight as possible and my shirt hung just below his ass.

"Oh god. I look stupid. I should just put my clothes on."

"You look adorable. And even if you put your clothes on, your parents will still know what we were up to. There's no other reason for you to have been out all night."

"Don't remind me! This is going to be so embarrassing."

"Move in with me, and you don't have to worry about that anymore."

He looked at me in surprise, but I didn't take it back. I knew it was soon, but he'd agreed to give me a chance and like I told him last night, I had no intention of letting him go. We were going to be together. So what difference did it make if we moved a little fast? I already knew he was mine. And as soon as his heat came, I was going to claim him. He might as well come stay with me now.

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes. I just spent the last three years without you, I don't want to spend any more time apart. You're my omega even if I haven't claimed you yet. I want you and Shoyo to stay with me."

"Can I think about it? It's just... it's a big step."

"Of course."

I kissed the back of his hand then got dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. I'd give him time to think about it. We were moving fast, but I didn't see the point in waiting. I knew what I wanted and I wasn't afraid to go for it. I'd already been stupid and lost so much time with him and my son. I didn't want to make the same mistake.

As I drove him home, I held his hand in mine. The silence was comfortable, so I didn't try to make small talk. He had a lot to think about. Hopefully he wasn't regretting agreeing to be with me. I didn't want to let him go. When we pulled up to his house, there were two other cars there. I frowned when I recognized Mitsu's car. The other must belong to one of his other siblings.

"Was there a party I didn't know about?"

"Crap. Dad must have invited them for breakfast. Maybe we can just sneak in without them noticing?"

"I'm not going to sneak into your house. I told Shoyo I'd see him today. It will be ok. You'll see."

He looked at me like he didn't believe me, but let me hold his hand on the walk up to the door. Before he could pull out his key to unlock the door, it was flung open. His sister Mitsu stood on the other side wearing a fierce expression.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't baby brother, doing the walk of shame. As if it wasn't bad enough that you had to go after my ex and get pregnant. Now that he's back you're immediately jumping into bed with him. I'm glad I wasn't born an omega if this is what it's like."

I hadn't realized that there was any animosity between the siblings. I'd thought that Mitsu and I had parted civilly, but I guess that wasn't the case. Not that it mattered. I didn't care if she was his sister, I wasn't going to allow anyone to talk to my omega that way. I'd protect him even against his family if that's what I needed to do.

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