Chapter 10

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While I waited for my omega to contact me, I went about setting up a life for us in the hopes that he'd forgive me. With my law degree I would be able to make decent money to spoil him, not that he'd ever cared about that kind of thing. But I wanted to make sure he and our future kids would never want for anything. My grandmother had left me an inheritance when she passed and made it so that my father wouldn't have access to it. She never forgave him for my mothers death and so set it up that all her money would pass to me instead of my father upon her death.

I decided to use that money to go shopping for things I thought my son might like. Admittedly, I might have gone a little overboard. A bubbly sales woman was very helpful in showing me the most popular items. I didn't really know what he might like since we'd never formally met, but I wanted him to be happy. I ended up getting all kinds of toys and clothes that I didn't know what to do with. I bought so much stuff that I had to set up most of it to be delivered, but I left the store feeling good.

I hoped Nikko called me soon. I didn't even know my sons name. I wanted to get to know him. Find out what he liked to do, what his favorite food was, if he liked to play outside or watch tv. On my way back home, I noticed a familiar blonde omega in the park. He was in the sandbox with our son, smiling and talking to him. My heart clenched at the sight. I parked my car on the side of the road and watched them.

I know I probably looked like the worst creep, but I couldn't pull myself away. I liked that the park was fenced in so no one could just walk up and take a child. I watched them play for a little while longer and then Nikko kissed the top of my sons head and directed him over to the restrooms. I saw him look around and assess that they were alone, so I made sure to duck down so he wouldn't see me. What the hell was I doing? Why was I hiding? I peeked over the edge of the window and saw Nikko slip into the bathroom, leaving my son outside.

I'd like to claim it was just my protective instincts, but I didn't have to leave my car to keep him safe. I hurried across the street and into the park, then slowed my approach. My son looked up when he heard the gate open, then went back to playing. I crouched down next to him after walking over, trying to appear non threatening. Not that he seemed afraid. In fact, he handed me an action figure and went back to playing. My heart clenched and I smiled at him.

"Hey, buddy. Do you know who I am?"

He looked up at me with a frown and tilted his head. He was so adorable. I couldn't possibly have been this cute as a child.

"You papa."

I couldn't contain my smile. This precious boy was mine and I wanted to keep him. I had to make this work with my omega.

"That's right. I'm your papa. Is it ok if I play with you?"

He nodded and showed me what he wanted me to do. It looked like the action figures had to rescue the little pet things from the sand. I'm not sure what was going through his mind, because he didn't say much, but he smiled when I helped him dig up the animals. So I must have been doing it right. I'm not sure how long we'd been at it before I noticed the strong scent of cherry blossoms.

I looked up to see Nikko watching us with a soft expression on his face. His face was flushed and when we locked gazes, his green eyes were clouded with lust. I barely suppressed my pheromones. I didn't want him to feel coerced in any way. If he wanted me, he had to come to me.

"Nikko, I promise I wasn't stalking you. I was just driving by and couldn't stop myself from coming over. I just wanted to get to know my son."

"I... yeah... no, its fine. I was going to call you soon. I want you to get to know him."

I smiled at him, then stood. I gestured over to a bench and held out my hand.

"Let's talk."

He placed his hand in mine and let me escort him to the bench. My heart filled with warmth when he let me hold his hand as we watched our son play. I gently stroked his knuckles, feeling pride and contentment.


Hearing the softness in his voice, I looked over at him just in time for his lips to meet mine. I didn't question it. The kiss started out soft. Just the lightest of touches. His lips brushing against mine. I brushed my tongue across his bottom lip, seeking permission, and his mouth opened beneath mine. What started out sweet, soon became impassioned.

He let go of my hand and wrapped his arms around my neck. My tongue swept into his mouth to claim and conquer and I swallowed each moan that fell from his lips. I pulled him astride my lap, and ran my hands down his spine to squeeze his plump ass.

We both forgot where we were as we lost ourselves in each other. He rocked his hips against mine, letting out a gasp as I trailed my lips down his neck. I licked and nipped at the sensitive flesh beneath his ear, taking pride in all the sounds I pulled from my omega. And then my son's voice recalled us to earth like a bucket of freezing water in the middle of summer.

"Mama? What you doing?"

Nikko froze on my lap, then shot up like he'd been electrocuted. His face and neck were flushed and his lips were swollen from my kisses. A sense of alpha pride swelled in my chest and I had to quickly stifle it. He hurriedly gathered up their items.

"Um, nothing baby. Papa and I were just, uh... talking. But I just realized we have somewhere to be. So say goodbye, Shoyo."

Nikko refused to look at me as my son smiled and waved goodbye. Shoyo. So that was my sons name. I watched them leave, a smile gracing my lips. He still wanted me. It was a start and I'd take it. I made my way back home, feeling hopeful for the future.

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