Chapter Twenty-Two

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Nikko was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off as he finished the dessert he was making. We were having a dinner party and his parents and sisters were coming over. That stupid alpha had been invited too. I was hoping he wouldn't show, but I knew that was unlikely. He was still way too attentive to my omega.

"Sweetheart, relax. I'm sure it's perfect and the food is perfect too. And even if it wasn't, I don't think anyone would say anything."

Nikko stopped what he was doing to glare at me and I held up my hands in surrender. I didn't know what his issue was, but lately he'd been snapping over the smallest things.

"Don't tell me to relax! It has to be perfect! I can't give that bitch Mitsu any reason to complain."

I chose to just nod. I didn't want him getting any more upset. As far as I knew, he'd chosen to forgive her, so I wasn't sure why he was so angry now.

"Ok, I'll just make sure Shoyo is ready."

He promptly burst into tears. I turned back to him and took him into my arms, gently rubbing his back. Nikko buried his face in my shirt and sobbed. I just continued to rub his back until he started to calm down.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me. Its just my family. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm a mess."

"It's ok, sweetheart. Obviously the stuff with your sister bothered you more than you thought. And I know its not easy to deal with your father and I. I'm sure he'll warm up to me soon."

He nodded against me and let out a sigh. I kissed his forehead and rested my chin on top of his head. Shoyo wandered into the room and ran over to hug Nikko's leg.

"No cry mama!"

He gave a watery laugh then leaned down to pick him up and hug him. Shoyo nuzzled into his neck and patted his back.

"Ok now, mama?"

"Yes, baby. Thank you. I feel much better."

"Ok. Down now. Time play."

He laughed and set him back down. Shoyo ran out of the room, and Nikko shook his head.

"I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing little boy, but I'm grateful. I feel better now. You go change your shirt and I'll finish this up."

I gave him a soft kiss then headed upstairs, passing Shoyo playing with blocks in the living room. He really was the sweetest little boy. I was sad I'd missed so many precious moments with them. But now that I had them with me, I didn't have to miss anything else. I smiled as I changed into a black polo shirt. My life was going so well, I was wondering when the other shoe would drop. My father had left us alone and I had to wonder why. There was no way he didn't know I was alive by now. Maybe I wasn't important anymore? Whatever the reason, I was grateful, but I'd still keep an eye out. I wouldn't let him hurt my family. The doorbell rang just as I got back downstairs.

"I get it!"

Shoyo darted past me and ran for the door. I chased after him and scooped him up, making him giggle. Just to hear him laugh again, I lifted his shirt and blew a raspberry on his stomach. He giggled and squirmed in my arms.

"Papa! No eat me! Mama cook!"

"Oh, I thought you were for dinner."

"No, papa! Bad!"

I laughed and put him on my hip as the doorbell rang again.

"I suppose we should answer before your ojisan gets any more impatient, huh?"

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