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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable.



"Woah," I say, blue eyes looking at the yellow portal. "Tommy! Look at this!"

I hear footsteps coming in my direction, but I don't wait for the taller boy as I go to inspect the 'nether' portal.

"I've never seen one yellow, usually they turn purple, right?" I question, walking around it.

"Normally..." he mumbles, suspicious. "I guess this is a new one...."

I was about to put my hand in when Tommy reached out and stopped me.

"No, don't touch it. We don't know where it'll lead..." 

I look up at his 6'1" figure and pout. Why is he so tall and I'm stuck at 5'6"? It's not fair...

"Listen, let's get Phil or Techno and have them check it out, okay?" Tommy suggest, gently tugging me away from the portal.

I pretend to put it into consideration, before grabbing him and pulling him inside the portal and everything goes black.

Phil's pov

I was searching L'manberg for Tommy and Tubbo. I couldn't find them and my concern was growing. I went to Techno's house and asked him if he's seen the two boys. 

"I haven't seen them since this morning. Why, did something happen?"

"I've been looking for them all day and I haven't found them..." I said, my concern growing.

"Maybe we should send out a search party or tell everyone to be on the look out...?"

I took a deep breath through my nose and exhaled through my mouth, relaxing himself a bit.

"You're right. I'm going to head back, tell me if you see them." I said, heading back in hopes of finding them on the way.

"I will, Phil."

The sun was starting to set as I walked in the snowy lands. I keep walking in the direction of L'manberg until I see a yellow light coming from the forest. I slowly walk to it with caution. 

I get there and it was a yellow 'nether' portal. I walk up to it, but stop when I hear two familiar voices on the other side of it.

"Where are we?" a small, shy voice wonders aloud. 

"I don't know, but I'll protect you no matter what!" another, more confident voice says.

I look to the other side and see two boy, similar to the ones missing.

A small boy, shorter than the other, has strawberry blond hair and piercing blue eyes. The other was taller and had chocolate brown hair and stunning blue eyes.  I see the similarities and put two and two together.

The brunet pushed the blond behind him and held up a stick, trying to protect the other.

"Who are you?!" he questions, pointing his stick at me.

I put my hands up in surrender, showing them I mean no harm.

"I'm Phil..." I say.

They both looked confuse before the brunet says, "No, you're not! Phil isn't old. Where did you take him!?"

"No, that's me." I insist, trying to convince the boys. "How can I prove it to you?" 

The brunet looked in though. "Tell us something Phil would know!"

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