Forgetful 1/2

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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them really uncomfortable

Anyways, enjoy!


"I'm not even real..."

"What do you mean 'you're not real'...?"


He's not real, he wasn't real, he wasn't real....

I take a shaky breath. I look down at Mellohi in my shaking hands. My breathing becomes unsteady as I slowly slide down the obsidian wall. 

'L-t m -ut'

I grab my head, it was happening again. I take deep breaths to calm myself down, but I keep hearing him. 

'L-let m-  o-t....'

No, no... not again, no....

I hastily get up and rush out, heading towards L'manberg, searching for someone. Black dots crawly into my vision, I didn't have much time.

I see a bunch of people gathered in front of the destroyed community house, I push my way through, but stop when I see water.

He's close, I don't have time.

I see Tommy on the inside of the water with Tubbo, Dream and Technoblade. I tried to go through the water, but he wouldn't let me.  I see clouds begin to form, no no no. 

I start shouting, trying to get to him to come to me, "Tommy!" 

He looks frustrated at Tubbo and Dream, not hearing my yell. 

I tried again, "Tommy!"

He stops talking and looks around, he catches my eyes and brightens up before taking in my appearance. My red eye was slowly turning purple and my black skin was eating and my white one. He looks concerned before trying to get out to come to me, but Dream grabs his arm.

'Let me out!'

I scream in pain and grip my head, knees buckling under me. I feel eyes on me, but I couldn't care, I just have to keep him at bay.

Tommy turns to Dream and rips his arm from Dream's grasp, swimming over to me and kneels in front of me. 

"Please," I beg, purple tears sliding down my cheeks. "Please, please, make him stop."

Tommy looked startled, reaches out to touch my arm, but yanks it back when I let out a pain filled scream. He looks down and sees that he's wet and tries to dry off, but it doesn't work.

A raindrop falls from the sky and my eyes widen. I hastily get up and run to a near house for shelter, but I'm not fast enough. Rain falls on my skin and I scream, still running for shelter.

An arm reaches out and grabs me, keeping me from finding shelter. I turn and see Dream and the rest of the group behind him. 

"Where are you going? What's wrong?" Dream questions.

Before I could answer, more drops fall on my skin and more pain is delivered. I feel more tears run down my face and I close my eyes and teleport leaving purple particles where I once was. I hear their gasps, but I keep running until I find a tree.

I run under it and sigh in relief that the pain I felt subsided. I slid down the tree, grabbing my arms. I no longer hear him and my red eye is back to it's original color. My black skin is no longer trying to take over my white and I can relax.

I hear footsteps coming my way, I look up and see everyone there soaked by the rain, I look down sheepishly and mumble, "I guess you want to know what happened..."

They all sat under the tree in front of me and Tommy tried to sit next to me, but I flinched when he got too close, remembering the pain when the water touched me. 

He looked startled and sits a little farther from me. Everyone waits for me to start talking. 

I take a deep breathe and start.

"Well, I don't really know how to break this, but ummm..." I hesitate, looking at Dream. He's not real. He wasn't real. He wasn't real. 

I blink once or twice, looking at my surroundings, forgetting what just happened. "Wait, how did I get here?"

They look confused as I search through my bag looking for my memory book, but I couldn't find it. I look at them giving them a small smile, forgetting that I had to explain. "Umm I have to go, but you can carry on with your conversation."

I walk around for a little searching chest to see if I can find it, unaware of the people sneaking behind me. 

I give up trying to find it and start to mumble, "Where did I leave it?"

I feel him come back, 'Just let me take over and it'll all be fine.'

I hesitate before checking around me to see if anyone was near. After checking, I sigh and let him take over. My white skin turns fully black and my red eye turns purple. I make an enderman noise before it all goes black.

POV Ranboo's counterpart (I don't know what to call him... ideas?)

I sigh, standing up to stretch. God, it's been so long since I've had a body. I let out another enderman noise and teleport behind the people that were following us.

"It's not nice to spy on people...." I say, my voice mocking.

They turn around and point their weapons at me, but I didn't flinch.

"You know, it was actually me that destroyed the community house as Ranboo calls it."

I summon some tnt in my hand and a flint and steel in the other hand. 

"It's pretty easy with a few stacks of tnt."

Everyone took a step back when I put the tnt on the ground. I was about to light it when I felt a pounding in my head. I dropped the flint and steel and grabbed my head. 

"Damn, he's a persistent little shit...."

I see the blond headed boy that Ranboo went to when I was close to being free. I walk past the tnt and flint and steel and stand in front of him.

"What's so special about you?"

I touched his skin before realizing he's wet. I look at everyone else and realize they were wet as well. 

The blond grabbed my arm and I let out a scream, but he didn't let go. 

"Where's Ranboo and who are you?"

I feel tear prick the corners of my eyes, but I didn't let anything slip. He looks frustrated and grabs a water bucket. My eyes widen in fear and I try getting out of his grip, but I can't get out.

He places the water bucket near my face and asks me again.

"I'm Booran, Ranboo's counterpart!" I yell out in fear.

"Why are you here?" he questions, tilting the water bucket a little, not enough to spill, but enough to scare me.

"He let me take over!" I say, struggling in his grip.

His grip slips and I get out of it, teleporting away from them. I looked at them in fear before I observe my arm he was holding and it had the same color as crying obsidian. 

I look at them and let out a enderman noise before teleporting to Ranboo's panic room. I slide down the wall and sigh. 


 Hey guys, gals and non-binary pals!

This is gonna have a part two, but I don't know how to end it
Any recommendations would be nice.... 

anyway, peace

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