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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable

Idea came from jelly0beans.cos on tiktok

TW: mentions of abuse



I was digging through Techno's stuff when I heard the door open and voices fill the room. I look up and see Philza, Techno and Ghostbur.

Techno spots me searching through his chest and taking stuff and walks over to me, fury radiating off of him. 

He grabs the back of my shirt and scowls at me, pulling me away from his chest. He turns me, making me face him and starts yelling.

"Tommy, you have to stop taking my shit!" he yells.

"I'm your brother, we share things!" I yell back.

I turn back to the chest, but he grabs my arm a yanks me back aggressively and I fall to the floor.

"Tommy, you have to stop!" he says.

"Why do you care so much?!" I yell, standing up and facing him.

"You're being childish!"

"Why are you so mad?!" I take a step back.

"You only think about yourself..." He raises his hand and his voice changes. 

I blink and I was back in exile with Dream in front of me.

"All you ever do is think about yourself..." Dream spits at me, raising his hand.

"Wait no!" I say, fear lacing my voice.

"You never listen to me!" he says, grabbing the front of my shirt, pulling me off the ground.

"N-no I'm sorry!" I say, trying to get his hand off my shirt.

"You need to learn!" he spits out, throwing me on the floor, sending a kick to my side, knocking the wind out of me. I cough a couple of times trying to get my breathing steady.

"I swear I didn't mean it..." I whisper, holding my side.

"You're misbehaving again Tommy...." Dream says, shaking his head.


Dream pulls me back onto my feet and whispers in my ear, "You've pissed me off for the last time..." 

I take a step back and trip and hit my back against a wall, holding my arms over my face and drawing my knees close to my chest. I hear footsteps coming closer and I yell out, "NO! PLEASE STOP, I'LL LISTEN! ...please." 

I feel tears stream down my face and my breathing is uneven. I mumble, "I'm sorry.... I swear I didn't mean it."

I hear someone run up to me and kneel in front of me and whisper, "Tommy..." 

They tried to grab my arm, but I flinch back and let out a sob, curling in on myself. 

A hand gently touches my head and says, "Hey, hey... it's okay, it's okay, it's just me... Phil..." 

I hesitantly look up and see it's him, I relax slightly. I look around and I'm back at Techno's house. I take deep breaths and try to steady my breathing. I see Techno and Ghostbur in the corner watching me.

"Just like that Tommy, deep breaths..." Phil encourages, wrapping his arms around my shivering frame.

I put my head in the crook of his neck, letting out a shuttering breath. I hear Techno whisper, "What the hell did Dream do to him...?" 

After a while, my breathing was back to normal. I shakily stood up and went to Ghostbur and apologized.

"Sorry Ghostbur, that must've been scary to watch, huh? That was the worse one yet." I say, smiling with puffy, red eyes.

I look to Techno and search through my bag, getting him all his stuff that I took. 

"Sorry for taking your stuff, Dream never really let me keep mine. I just got a little excited..." I say, staring at the stuff before handing it back.

They looked shocked, I usually don't apologize unless forced to and I never handed stuff back without a fight. I hear a voice behind me ask, "What did Dream do to you...?"

I turn back and face Phil, giving him a empty smile. 

"He fixed me..."

Knock Knock Knock

All heads turn to the door, I slowly walk up and turn the doorknob, but before I could fully open the door, Phil grabs my arm and pulls me behind him.

The door opens and standing there is Dream. Phil grabs my hand and gives me a gentle squeeze. Dream walks in a spots me behind Phil, before he could say anything, Techno walks up to him and asks, "Is there something you need?"

He looks past Techno and at me and Phil and says, "Less something and more someone..." 

I began to shake and mumble under my breath, "No, please... don't make me go back... please..." 

"Come on Tommy," he says loudly. "Let's do this the easy way or... I'll burn them..."

My breath hitches, I reluctantly move from behind Phil and towards Dream. He grabs my arm tightly and I resist the urge to wince, dragging me out of the house with everyone following close behind us.

"Drop them." he says.

"I don't have anything..." I whisper.

He tightens his grip. "I said drop them..."

I sigh and take out the armor I got from Techno and the weapons and gapples and drop them in front of me.

He pulls out a flint and steel and sets it on fire, I stand there listening to the crackles of the flames as I watch my stuff burn again.

"What. The. Hell?" I hear Phil say from behind us. 

I hear footsteps coming at a fast pace and I'm grabbed and pulled away from Dream, to my relief. Ghostbur wraps me in a hug and leads me inside with 'friend'. I hear the clash of weapons on weapons, but I'm distracted by Ghostbur as he lets me pet 'friend'.

"Tommy, why did you let him burn your stuff..?" Ghostbur asks, hesitantly.

I sigh and place my head on my knees. "It was either that or.... get disciplined..."

"What do you mean...?" Ghostbur questions.

"He w-would..." I take a shaky breath. "H-he would b-beat me... if I didn't c-cooperate."

I hear Ghostbur sharply inhale before wrapping me in another hug. I place my head on his shoulder, letting a few tears run loose. We stayed like that for a while until we hear Techno and Phil come back. 

They kneel down and join the hug. 

"Don't worry Tommy," Phil reassures me. "He won't bother you anymore."

I let out a sigh of relief before letting out a sob. 

"I-I'm safe...?"

Phil smiles and places a gentle kiss on my head.

"You're safe."


Woah, two updates in one day? I'm on a roll.
Like always, don't forget to leave a comment on what you want to read next and drop a vote!


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