Adopted [R]

222 7 3

Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable

Requested by GeorgeWasFound45

Sorry, it kinda took forever :/
school suck, am i right?



I winced as I reached over to grab my phone, pain filling my body. A light illuminated the room, I quickly opened my discord app. 

I called Wilbur, hearing footsteps come upstairs. The discord call rang out, before he answered. 

"Hello?" he mumbled, sounding like he just woke up. "Tommy-"

The door slammed open, my drunk father glossed eyes locked onto me and my phone. 

"W-wut the fuck are y-you doing?!" he yells out, slamming his beer bottle close to my head.

"Tommy! Are you okay?!" I hear Wilbur yell through my phone.

My father kicked my stomach, I heard a crack and pain flooded through my body.

"W-wil... h-help me..." I whispered to my phone before my father hit my head and knocked me out.


Wilbur POV

A buzzing from my nightstand woke me up, I blinked the sleep away from my eyes. 

I reached over and check who was calling me at this god forsaken hour. 


'What the hell?' I thought before clicking the answer button.

"Hello? Tommy wha-" I got cut off by a door slamming open on his side of the call.

"W-wut the fuck are y-you doing!?" I hear a deeper voice yell, then something shattering. 

"W-wil... h-help me..." I hear Tommy whisper in a hurt voice. 

The call ended and I sat there in shock. 

I tossed the blankets off my body and I rushed to get ready. I ran down stairs and slammed the door open with the keys of my car in my hand.

I started the car and speed towards Tommy's house. We live about 10 minutes away, but just lied on stream so they don't expect up to constantly make vlogs together. 

I got to his house and reached under the mat, finding a spare key to his house. I slammed the front door open, immediately rushing upstairs towards Tommy's room. 

I slam the door open to see Tommy's father towering over him with a broken beer bottle in his hand. 

"Who the fawk a-are you...?" he slurs, wobbling over to me.

I look towards Tommy, who's knocked out cold, blood on his face and shirt.

I rush forward to pick him up and check his pulse, faint but still there. 

A hand suddenly gripped my shoulder, pulling me away from my little brother. I turn towards him and see him raising the broken beer bottle, about to hit me, but before he could, I tackled him to the ground. 

I punched him near his temple, hard enough to knock him out, but not kill him. 

I staggered away from him, turning towards Tommy and picked him up, heading towards my car. 

I drove in silence, worry filling my body. 

Once I got home, I went towards the passenger and unbuckled him and brought him inside. 

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