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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable.


TW: swearing, little spicy


"Alex! Have you seen my green hoodie? People are coming over tonight and I need it." I yell out, rummaging through my closet. 

"No, I haven't. George, you can't even see green!"

"Shut the fuck up." I giggle, searching through my closet. "Your boyfriend is color blind too, dumbass."

"Not as bad as you though." he chuckles, getting ready.

I search some more before seeing a piss yellow in between two blacks,  covering its color. I yank it out from in between and put it on, finding that it still smells like my lover. I took it off and put it on my bed, making sure it didn't get dirty while I make food.

I head down stairs and start preparing the food. Between me and Alex, I was always the 'housewife' and he was more of the lazy dumbass that lives with me.

I made lasagna, enough for everyone coming. After I finished, I washed the dirty dishes as Alex came down stairs. 

"Nice of you to help." I grumble, aggressively scrubbing the dishes.

"You seem to have it under control." The doorbell rang. "And I have to greet our guest." he said, heading towards the door.

"Alex! You fucking ass! If you helped, I would've gotten the food prepared and gotten dressed!" I yelled from the kitchen, rushing upstairs.

Right before I headed up stairs, I went over to him and smacked the back of his head, hard.

"Yo, what the fuck?!" he yelled, just as I ran upstairs.

I changed my shirt to the hoodie, and rushed down stairs, seeing Alex with his two boyfriends, Nick and Karl.

"Hello Nicholas, hi Karl." I greet with a small smile.

"Hi Georgette!" Nick says, blowing me a few kisses as Karl laughs at his antics.

"Where might your best friend be?" I asked, walking over to them.

"Picking a few desserts up. Figured you didn't want to make it." he shrugged.

I sat down on the loveseat without my lover. I listened to Karl and Alex talk, while Nick scrolled through Instagram.

I sat there for a while until I got up and went to put the food in the oven, reheating it.

"Can you guys set the table?" I asked, taking out utensils and plates.

"Sure!" This is why Karl is my favorite, well second favorite, of course my own boyfriend is my favorite... sometimes.

I handed the plates to Karl and Nick, then handed the utensils to Alex.

"When you're done, go up stairs and wash your hands, and NO funny business."

They headed up stairs and mumbled, "Yes mom."

I rolled my eyes and started taking out the food and placing it on the table. I was finished when I heard the doorbell ring. 

'I wonder who it is.' I thought, even though I knew the answer.

I opened the door and saw my fucking 6'1" tall boyfriend. I went to give him a hug, but saw that his hands were full. So instead, I grabbed some of the groceries and pecked him on the lips.

"Couple minute late, you know." I muse, a smile tugging at my lips.

"Yeah yeah." he replies with an eyeroll.

We headed to the kitchen and we put down the groceries. I started putting them away when I felt arms wrap around my waist and soft breathing on my neck, sending chills down my back. I felt gentle kisses on my neck, making me mewl softly. 

"S-stop, we have guest... hmm~" I groan, pushing him away, a red blush staining my face.

I walked out of the kitchen and headed upstairs to wash my hands and get the others down for dinner. 

I walk outside the bathroom and knock. I hear rummaging in the bathroom and I yell out, "You better have not been fucking in my damn bathroom!"

"O-of course not, G-george~" I hear Karl say.

I looked at the door and I counted to ten, took a deep breath and went to knock again, but when I did, I heard a LOUD ASS MOAN.

I started aggressively knocking on the door. 

"NOT IN MY FUCKING HOUSE!" I started to search for the bathroom keys, and when I found them, I yelled out, "I'M GIVING YOU TEN SECONDS TO COVER YOURSELF CUS IM OPENING THE FUCKING DOOR!" 

I wasn't actually going to open the door, I was trying to scare them out of the bathroom. I heard a lot of shuffling until the door unlocked. 

"My bathroom better be clean...." I glare at them, watching them walk past me.

When everyone got downstairs, we sat down and started to talk like normal. It wasn't the first time I caught them fucking, so yeah.

After we finished eating, everyone got on the couch for a Harry Potter marathon. I brought some blankets for everyone because the house gets super cold at night. 

I was on the love seat with Clay and Nick, Alex, and Karl were on the bigger couch. We were halfway into the Goblet of Fire, when I heard soft snores come from the big couch. I turn and see them cuddled up, deceased. Rip...

I felt a hand rest on my upper thigh, slowly sneaking under my basketball shorts. I tried to get my focus back on the movie, but his hand was gently tugging at my boxers.

I turn and faced him, blush slowly rushing to my face. I shifted so my body was facing his and started to straddle him, slowly leading in. He met me halfway, kissing me with passion. 

I moan softly into the kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging him closer, deepening the kiss. We broke away for air, both of us flushed red. I lean in until I hear someone clear their throat from behind me. 

Me and Clay both jumped a little turning and seeing Nick and Alex, Karl still deceased. They raised their eyebrows, then Alex rolled his eyes and went upstairs, chuckling to himself. Nick continued to stare at us then turned back to Karl, picked him up and followed Alex. 

Me and Clay sat there, shocked before breaking out in giggles. 

I looked at him a kissed him, mumbling, "I love you..."

"I love you too..."


Thank you guys so much for 1K, its crazy!
I gave y'all a little spice today, if there is something you want more of, put it in the comment and drop some votes!


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