Ripped away

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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable

TW: blood and abuse



"Dad! Dad! Look! my wings grew in!!" 

"That's great! Now, I can teach you how to use them!"

"Then we can go flying together and I can make you proud!"

"I'm already so proud of you Tommy."


I slowly wake up, blinking the sleep away from my eyes. I sit up and sigh, seeing the sun rise from inside of my tent. I hear footsteps and quickly, but soundlessly, put some iron I got from yesterdays mining in my ender  chest.

I slip back under my covers just as the tent door slides open, I hold my breathe as he searches through the chest. I hear him grab somethings and go back outsides, hearing a faint explosion before he comes back inside. 

I feel a gentle push on my shoulder, 'waking' me up. I sit up and rub my eyes and yawn in fake exhaustion. I see his smiley face mask in his hand and a serious look on his face. I look up at him in fake confusion and he sticks his hand out. 

"Give it to me..." he says, in a calm voice.

I tilt my head to the side. "Give you what?"

"You know what," he says, clearly getting angry. "Give it to me or I'll have to discipline you..."

Tears well up in my eyes as I get the diamond armor and weapons from my ender chest. He seems please I gave up so quickly and leads me outside to blow my own stuff up. 

After I blew it up, he patted my back and left. Once I knew he was fully gone, I opened up my wings and wrapped them around myself, tears slipping from my eyes. I sat there, quietly sobbing before wiping my tears and going to mine some more.

I stayed down there for a while, giving my wings time to breathe. When I surfaced, I forgot to hid my wings again and I saw dream.

And he saw my wings.

I could feel the shock radiating off of him as he slowly walks towards me, when he gets to me, he touches my wings.

"Why did you hide this from me, Tommy? You know I don't like secrets." he says, bending my wings back. 

I wince. "I-it's the only thing I have that matter besides the disk." I grimace, feelin the need to have him let go of my wings.

"Oh," he muses. "Is that so?" 

He bends my wing until a snap fills the air and pain floods my body. I let out a scream as he rips my wing from my back, blood gushing from my wound. I tried getting away, but he pushed me to the ground, restraining me from getting away.

He grabs my other wing and tears slid down my face. 

"N-no, p-please. I-it's all I-I have l-left." I cry out.

He stops and 'thinks about it'. 


He takes his sword and cuts my other wing clean off, my sobs becoming louder as he gets up and takes my wings. Blood started pooling around my body, seeping into the ground and staining it red.

Black dots crawl at my vision from all the blood loss. I let out a weak, painfilled cry before passing out.


Phil's pov

I was walking from Techno's house to Tommy, to see how he was holding up. I got a bad feeling and started walking faster. I was jogging by the time I got there and I immediately went to his tent. 

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