My little moobloom

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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable



I spawn in a forest with a pounding headache. I turn and looking at my surrounding.

'Where the hell am I?'

I wander around for a bit before hearing some voices, one familiar and the others not so much. I look around before spotting a yellow sweater. I jog over and see a group of people and what I think a ghost.

I guess they saw me because they turned in my direction and have a look of shock wash over their faces.


I look at the ghost next to the pink haired male. He seemed a little shaken up and starts to slowly walk towards me. He seemed familiar, but I couldn't remember from where.

'Hey, Jay...' he whispers.

A chill washed over me, no one calls me that besides-

'Will...?' I ask, confusion flooding my mind. 'What are you doing here? Where's toby?'

Wilbur looks confused before looking guilty.

'William,' I asked in a deadly calm voice. 'Where's Toby..?'

'Do you not remember what happened?' Wilbur asks.

'Remember what?' I looked confused. 'I left Toby with Phil and Tommy because we were going out for a while, why?'

Wilbur was tearing up.

'Jay...' his voice shook. 'That was ten years ago.'

My knees felt weak. 'What the hell do you mean that was ten years ago?'

Wilbur looked down. 'How old is toby?'

'He's six, his birthday was a couple of weeks ago.'

Wilbur shakes his head, looking at me sadly. 'Johnathan... Toby's sixteen...'

My hands shake thinking about my baby moobloom growing up without me. I glance at the group behind Wilbur. I look back at Wilbur.

'Who are they?' I asks, pointing at them, trying to change the topic.

'These are my friends.' Wilbur smiles.

I let out a chuckle. 'Since when do you have friends?' I tease, gently punching his arm.

He lets out a small giggle. He grabs my hand and leads me to the group.

'Hi, I'm Johnathan Schlatt.' I say with a gentle smile. I wrap an arm around Wilbur. 'This dork calls me Jay.'

The look hesitant before introducing themselves. I recognized Alex or Quackity, Technoblade who's Will's older brother and Awesamdude or just Sam.

'Will, where's Toby?' I asked Wilbur. 

He looked a little nervous before taking me to him. We walked for a while until we reached a house, loud chatter coming from the inside. Wilbur led me inside, followed by the group that Wilbur was with. I heard a familiar voice.

"-and I was confused like what's up with everybody killing themselves in my courtroom?"

I looked back at Wilbur in shock. He gave me a gentle smile and pushed me forward. I rounded the corner and saw a boy about 5'6" with brown hair and blue eyed, on his head were small but growing horns. Next to him was another boy taller than him by five inches and had strawberry blond hair and striking blue eyes. 

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