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Disclaimer: Don't ship mcyt in real life, it makes them uncomfortable

Tw: death

Extra: If you know of any people who are uncomfortable with being in a one-shot, tell me and I'll change their character with someone else



"-yeah yeah yeah, cut the bullshit real quick with everything's great... where's my money?" I said, pushing him away. "I mean I did everything for you, where's my money?"

"Right..." he said, disappointed. "Yeah no, of course, I would never forget... I would never forget Purpled, you came for money and that's what you're gonna get, come on." 

He brought me up to the roof and showed me a chest that was a few blocks away, I turned back towards him, feeling something was about to go wrong. 

"There it is, there's your payment." he says, pointing at the chest with a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay, thank you." I said, walking towards it and checking if the payment was correct.

Everything seemed in place, everything was there. I closed the chest and turned towards him and nodded.

"Everything good?" he asked.

"Everything good, everything's there. Appreciate it, thank you for doing business."

He nodded and looked up at me and said, "Hey, because I appreciate your help so much, I have something else for you, stay up here."

He heads back down and I stand there, waiting for him to come back. After a minute of standing there, I hear the sizzling of tnt. 

I turn towards the sound and see my UFO explode, small pieces of it fall past me. I stare in horror as my home and my things blow up, the things my best friends gave me, blowing up. 

I hear footsteps heading back up, I turned towards Quackity and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and pulled out my netherite sword, holding it on his neck. 

"Give me one goddamn reason I shouldn't put this sword in your throat!?" I scream at his, pushing my sword enough to cut his neck. 

"It's gone, Purpled it's gone." he says with a crazed look in his eyes. "All you had in this goddamn server was that UFO and that's the last piece of evidence that you were ever here Purpled."

I pushed him on the ground, pulling a bed from my inventory and placing it next to him.

"Set your respawn..." I said, looking down at him. 

"What...?" he asks, looking confused at my command. 

"Set your fucking respawn!" I yell, pointing my sword at him. 

Fear flashes through his eyes and he places his hand on the bed, setting his respawn before turning towards me and saying, "Now what?" 

I plunge my sword into his neck, killing him instantly. 

[Quackity was slain by Purpled]

<Dream> Purpled what the hell?

He respawns next to me, then turns towards me and sees my sword raised, "W-what are you doing?!"

[Quackity was slain by Purpled]

<Punz> Yo Purpled

<Hannahxxrose> Purpled...

"W-wait- sto-"

[Quackity was slain by Purpled]

<Sapnap> Purpled stop!

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