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Disclaimer: Don't force ships on mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable.

TW: cutting, mention of suicide, abuse, use of slurs, and depression.

If you struggle with depression or suicide, please don't read this. It contains a lot of suicidal thoughts and cutting. If you are depressed or suicidal, you can always contact me or someone who can help.

George- 23 y/o

Dream- 22 y/o

Wilbur- 23 y/o

Quackity- 23 y/o

Tommy- 21 y/o

Tubbo- 20 y/o



"Dream! How did you find me?!" I screeched.

"Oh, Georgeee~!"

I hear the door slam down stairs, telling me my mother is home.

"u-uh... Dream, I-I have to go." I hurriedly say, already closing Minecraft.

"What? why?" he asked.

I hear her footsteps coming up the stairs.

"I u-uh I-I have to g-get something f-from the store, b-bye!" I leave the discord chat and shut off my computer. I hastily run to my bed and go under the covers. The door slams open.

"George!" my mother yells.

"Yes m-ma'am?" I quietly ask.

"I told you to have the damn house clean before I got back! What the hell were you going, you fucking fag!" she walks to my bed, ripping the sheets of my body, grabbing my hair and yanking it back.

"I'm s-sorry m-ma'am." I cry out.

"Sorry isn't going to clean the house, you fucking mistake. Get your ass up and clean the house." She smacked my face and let my hair go, making me slide down the floor. She walks out, slamming the door as I stifle a sob. Hot tears make their way down my rosy cheeks.

I stand up, heading down stairs and I hear the front door open and close, telling me of my mothers depart. After my father died, she became colder, heartless. Constantly went out drinking or made a mess at home, bringing people over for sex or drinking and gambling.

I sigh as I pick up a broken bottle. I missed it when we were a happy family, when mother didn't hit me.... when dad was alive.

I cleaned up the house, cleaning the bottles and broken glass, sweeping and moping. I let out a groan, my injuries irritated from all the moving. I standing up and heading back to my room. I slowly walked up the stairs, exhausted from cleaning. As I opened the door to my room, I looked at my computer and started walking to it. I power it up and start getting excited to talk with Dream.

I open Minecraft and enter the server as I join the vc he was in.

"Hi Dream!"

"Oh, hey George." Dream says, his focus somewhere else.

"How have you be-"

"Dream, when are we meeting up?" A British voice asks, cutting me off.

I stopped, cut off and a little confused who else was in here with us.

"Oh George, I forgot to introduce you to Wilbur." Dream chuckles with a fond tone.

"Hello George!" he excitedly says.

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