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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable.

Anyways, enjoy!


"Damn you!" 

A gash on the leg.


A cut on the shoulder.

"Alright, alright! I YEILD!"

Heavy breathing is heard through the arena. I slowly get up, stumbling once or twice. He holds his hand out to me and I take it.

He wraps his arm around my shoulders to keep me up. I look at him and smile. 

"I almost had you that time." I say, my voice ruff from yelling so much.

"Yeah yeah." he says, rolling his eyes. "We gotta go home before our boyfriend kills us."

We walk a while in a comforting silence until we make it to a little cabin. I let out a sigh of relief after seeing my home. We walk to the door and he knocks. I hear feet coming down the stairs, seconds later, the door swings open. 

"Hi George..." we say.

George looks at our injuries and then back at us. 

"What the hell did you do!?" he questions, rushing up to us and staring at all of our injuries. "I told you I want you both back in one piece, what the hell, Dream!?"

"Well," he says. "To be fair, he didn't want me to hold back."

"And you thought that was a good idea?" 

Dream looks sheepish. "Well... no." 

George sighs. "Alright come in." He opens the door wider, letting us get though.

"Can you walk without help, Sap?" he asks.

"A little, yeah." I have Dream let go of me, but my knees buckle underneath me and I feel arms wrap around my waist before I hit the floor. He picks me up bridal style and mumbles.

"Yeah, you can walk." he mocks, rolling his eyes.

"Shut up." I retort, pink blush dusting my face.

George looks at us amused and tells us to head upstairs to take a shower. 

"Okay mom." Dream says, rolling his eyes.

"Hmm, I guess someone is going to bed without dinner." 

Both of our eyes widen. George is the best cook in the world. Me and Dream can't cook to save our lives.

"Wait no George, I was kidding."

George let out a small giggle. "I'll think about it."

Dream and I head upstairs to take a bath. He gently placed me on a stool next to the tub. He turned on the tub and watched it slowly fill. He helped me get my dirty clothes off and place me in the tub, undressing and getting in with me.

When we both were clean, he got out and grabbed a fluffy towel, wrapping it around his waist and grabbed one for me. He helped me get up and wrapped me in the towel, leading me to our room. 

"Can you get dresses or do I have to help the baby." he says with a fake pout.

"Shut up, I can do it myself." I reply.

After we were all dressed, we headed downstairs to be greeted with a table full of food and a very cute boyfriend. Dream helps me get seated before sitting down in between me and George. before we started to eat, I catch George looking at our injuries, worry shining in his eyes. I let out a fond chuckle. 

"You can wrap them after we eat, okay Georgie?" I say with a warm smile.

He looks down at his lap, blushing a little. "Okay." I hear him whisper.

We finished eating and George takes all the plates and go to wash them.

"George, I can help with the dishes." I hear Dream say.

"No, its okay." He replies. "You must be tired after practice. I can do it."

The bad thing about George is he's stubborn. He won't back down. He's a hard worker, but he doesn't realize when he's overworking himself and sometimes, me and dream have to grab him and bring him to bed.

"George, come on." Dream says in a low voice. "Lets go to bed and do them tomorrow."

I see George shiver, a red blush rising to his face. I get up, almost falling, but stabilizing myself and walking behind George. I wrap my arms around his waist and place small kisses on his neck, making him blush more. 

"S-Sapnap..." he gasped, putting his hands on his face.

"Don't hide your pretty face from us." Dream says, gently tugging on his hands.

"I-I can't go to bed now... I have to wrap your cuts..." he mumbles, playing with his hands.

Me and Dream's eyes soften. I tightens my grip and placed my head in the crook of George's neck. "Gods, I love you so much."

George softly giggles. "I love you too, both of you."

Dream goes and gets the first aid kit. George wiggles himself out of my grip, grabbing the aid kit and opening it up. He cleans our wounds and wraps them, looking content that they're wrapped. 

Dream looks at his bandages then back at George, going up to him and wrapping him in a hug. George looked confused before melting into his hug. Dream pulls him onto his shoulder and walks upstairs with a giggling George. I shake my head with a smile and start heading up too.

Once we got to our room, Dream tosses George onto the bed, climbing in next to him. He wraps his arms around his waist and pulls him close, spooning him. I lay on the other side of George, getting close to him and placing a gentle kiss on his forehead. I place my arm on his waist and say, "Goodnight, I love you both."

Then hear a sleepy, "I love you too." from both of them.

My eyes close against my will, falling asleep to the soft snores of my boyfriends.


Fluffy chapter! Don't forget to vote if you liked it, nobody is voting and I just want some votes ;-;

Anyways, peace

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