Ghostinnit 2

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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable. 

Anyways, enjoy!


'Ghostbur,' I ask, 'How did you die...?'

He looks a little shocked and looks down, shamefully. 

'Well, um I got killed.'

I look up at him and ask. 'By who...?'

The temperature drops and I shiver, looking at Ghostbur who had a regretful look on his face. 

'Lets not talk about that, its getting pretty late.' He sees me shivering and wraps his arms around me. 'We should go to sleep.'

I look up hesitantly and nod my head. 'Yeah... okay...'

We head back to my old house and Ghostbur drops me off.

'I'll see you in the morning, Tommy.'

I wrap him in a hug before heading inside.

I find my bed and lay down, looking at the ceiling. I let out a sigh and close my eyes, letting darkness overcome me.


I woke up and I was in my tent again, it was midnight. I look at my arms and they looked normal. No gray color, nothing. I look down and feel tears burn the corner of my eyes. 

'Of course,' I chuckle miserably to myself. 'It was too good to be true.'

I stand up and head to the nether portal, going through. I check my bag and my discs were there. I walk to the portal to L'manberg and step through. This time, I lean against the portal, close my eyes and wait for them to come.

I hear many people coming towards me and I look up. I see Dream in front of everyone else and he steps towards me. 

"Tommy, you know what has to happen." he says.

I dig into my bag and find the discs. I hold them out to him, tears burning my eyes. 

"You can have the discs," I say. "Just please... let me be with my family."

He looks at the discs then back at me, he grabs them and walks away. I stare at him with my discs longingly. I look back at the crowd, nobody was happy for my return. Not Ghostbur, not Niki, not even... Tubbo.

I blink away tears as I make my way through the crowd and back home. I pass the Christmas tree, but it doesn't matter. Not unless I can spend it with my family. I get home and see Dream waiting for me. I raise my eyebrow.

"Is there something you need?" I whisper, brokenly.

He give me a look of pity, searching through the ender chest and handing me a box covered in gift wrappings.

"Merry Christmas." he says to me.

I look at the gift in shock as he hands it to me. I look down at the gift before asking in a tired voice, "why...?"

"No one deserves to be alone on Christmas...." he says as he makes his way out of my house.

I watch him leave, then look down at the present. It's wrapped in blue wrapping paper and tied off with a silver bow. 'Obviously George did this, Dream wouldn't know how to do that.' I thought to myself.

I open it and inside the box was a disc, but not cat or mellohi, this was stal. One of the hardest disc to find. I look at it and look at where dream went. 'Why would he give this to me....?'

I walk over to the bench and sit down, about to play stal, but just as I do, I hear my name being called.


I look over and see Ranboo and my face lights up. 

"Ranboo!" I yell back, enthusiastically.

I run up to him to give him a hug and feel pain explode in my stomach. I look down and see blood everywhere, a diamond sword in my stomach. I look up at Ranboo, betrayal painted on my face. I slide down to the floor, coughing up blood. 


"Because, Tommyinnit." he says in a disgusted voice, walking over to the jukebox, grabbing stal. "All you care about is you and your discs, no one else." 

He grabs a flint and steel and lights a patch of ground on fire. The holds stal above it. 

"No please!" I yell out. "That's all I have!!"

He looks at me and smiles, a crude and cold smile. He drops stal in the fire as black dots crawl from the corners of my eyes. Right before I passed out, he says, "This is why Tubbo exiled you." 


I wake up with a gasp, sweat and tears covering my face. I sit up and touch my stomach, no stab wound. I look around and I'm back at my old house in L'manberg. I let out a shaky breath, still a little shaken up after that dream. 

I slowly stand up and head out, breathing in and sitting at the bench. I watch the sun rise, I hear footsteps behind me. I glance over my shoulder and see George. He gives me a kind smile and sits next to me. 

My eyes widen as he reaches into his bag and pulls out the disc 'strad'. He puts it in the jukebox and we watch the sunrise with it playing in the background.

He must've seen the dried tears tracks because he wraps his arms around me, letting me put my face into his shoulder. I grip his shirt as tears start running down my face. He rocks us back and forth, soothingly rubbing my back. 

We stayed like that for a while until I begin to feel drowsy. My eyes close against my will and my body goes limp.

George must've felt it because he laid back a little more letting me put my head on his chest. I nodded off to the constant sound of his heart beating, lulling me to a deep sleep.


By the time I woke up, it was already mid-day. I looked around and saw George asleep, his glasses on his face, protecting him from the bright sun.

I slowly sat up, trying not to wake him, until I felt something drop from my shoulders. I look down and it was a blanket. I got up and grabbed the blanket, putting it on him and walked away. 

I yawned and stretched, a little refreshed from that nap. I wandered around for a little while until I reached the nether portal. I walked through and felt an urge to walk somewhere. 

I followed my instinct and found a different nether portal away from the L'manberg one. I walk through and keep walking around until I found a little tent. I looked around and a bunch of memories flooded my brain.


"Eret, listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible: You f**ked up."

"Wilbur, look at me, look at me. Please don't do this, you don't have to blow this all up...Wilbur, this is our home and we can take it back, man. We're not the villains."

"I know that there's one line that rings through my head as I sleep...of Wilbur saying 'Tommy! Let's be the bad guys!' -and I don't-- I don't want to be the bad guys!..."

"Pog through the pain."

"Bee... Tubbo... Tubbo lika de bee."

"No no, seriously, when do you know when it's all too much?" 

"It's never my time to die." 


I gasp, grabbing my head because of the pounding headache I got. I let out a breathe I didn't know I was holding. 'Why would he do that...?' I thought to myself. 

'Why would he exile me...?'


Hey guys, gals, and non-binary pals!
Part two of ghostinnit. 

Like I said I'm taking request and hopefully my next upload will be fluffier.

Anyways, peace

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