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Disclaimer: Don't ship mcyt irl, it makes them uncomfortable

TW: non



"No wait Dream!" I yelled, holding my arms in front of my face. "Dream stop! I'm going to die!"

"Say hi to Schlatt for me..." he said, raising his fist to hit me for the last time.

"wait no! Sa-"

[Tommyinnit was killed by Dream]


I open my eyes, seeing a orange-ish light and realize it's lava. I tried to move, but it felt as though my body was numb. I tried to look at my body, but it wasn't there. There was nothing, no physical body. 

I realized I was in a glass orb, not my physical self, my soul.

I see a shadow loom over me and picks me up, insane laughter floating out of him.

"I did it! I trapped you forever, you can't get out." Dream says, tossing me up in the air and catching me again. 

"I gotta be careful though, if I drop you-" he said placing me on the item holder. "you'll get away."

When I heard that, a small hope sparked up in my chest.

Before I could say something, we heard Sam on the other side, checking in on Dream. 

He gets to Dream's cell and looks around for me and spots my orb. 

"You're too late, Sam~" Dream hummed, letting out a small giggle. "He should've stopped talking..."

Sam took a step back before his eye catches my orb. He slowly walks over to it then took it off the frame before Dream could say anything.

"What's this?" Sam says, closely inspecting it.

"I don't know, Tommy dropped it when I killed him :)" Dream lied, grinning from ear to ear.

Sam makes his way to the entrance of the cell and looks back and whispers, "I guess you don't need it anymore."

The lava soon falls down and Sam and I were out the cell. He looks at my orb and signs sadly. 

"Why wasn't I there in time...?" he says, taking off his mask, tears glimmering in his eyes. "Fuck.... why couldn't I make it...?"

'Sam...." I whispered, my heart aching to comfort the poor man.

He goes and exits the prison, calling Ranboo and Tubbo over.

Once they were there, Sam looks at them sadly.

"Sam, what happened in there?" Tubbo asks, carrying Michael with Ranboo behind him. 

"I'm sorry... I.." Sam takes a shuttering breath. "I couldn't make it."

Tubbo face slowly morphs into one of horror as Ranboo gently takes Michael from his grip.

"No... Tommy wouldn't die that easily..." he says, trying to convince himself.

Sam walks forwards grabbing his hand and gently places my orb in his hand.

"Dream said this is what he dropped, I thought I should give it to you." he whispers, remorse covering his face like a shadow.

"no... no." Tubbo says, choking back sobs, holding my orb close to his heart. I can hear his pounding heart and his shaky breaths as he falls to the floor, letting tears freely fall. "Please.... he was only 16, his life hadn't started yet, come back... Tommy...."

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