Un-officially Adopted

168 6 8

Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable.

TW: Swearing, sad chapter



Wilbur - 17/30

George - 16/29

Tommy - 3/16


Wilbur POV

I glared at him before picking Tommy up and putting sound proof headphones on and playing Hamilton instrumental music and watching him fall asleep. 

"You don't fucking care about us, all you care about is Techno!" I yelled, heading over and grabbing Tommy's bags. "You fucking forgot you son's birthday!"

"I provide for you, I give you food and shelter!" Phil yells back, grabbing my wrist. 

"Don't fucking touch me! You leave us for months and come back and act like everything is normal! You know what Tommy's first words were?!" I questioned, snatching my wrist from his grip, trying not to wake Tommy up. 

"His first words were 'dada'." I whispered, tears pricking the corners of my eyes. "You know who he said it to...? He said it to me, while you were out with Techno."

Phil looked at me with wide eyes. I sighed and shook my head.

"Look Phil, I just want Tommy to have a good childhood, with at least 2 parental figures and I want to be living with someone who cares about me-"

"We care about you-"

"Don't pull that fucking bullshit with me Philza Minecraft!" I yelled, feeling Tommy stir a bit. 

I turned and grabbed my bag along and head towards the door. I ignored the sound of my 'father' calling me back into the house and grabbed my keys and left the house. 

I gently placed Tommy in his car seat and sat down in the drivers seat and drop out of the drive way. 

I felt tears slide down my cheeks and I choked back a sob as I stopped at a red light and I turned and looked at Tommy and smiled at his sleeping form. 

I reached for my phone and rang up my lover. 






"Hey gogy..." I whispered, my voice cracking.

"Hi, what's going on, are you okay? Where's Toms?" he questioned, worry lacing his voice. 

"I did it." I said, breathless. "I left."

"You need a place to stay?" he asks, his smile noticeable in his voice.


"Alright, the key is under the mat."

"Thanks love."

After about 15 minutes, we arrived at George's house. I unbuckled Tommy and grabbed his limp, sleeping form and left the bags in the car to grab later. 

(you ever pick up a sleeping baby and they are just dead limp and their head just moves around limp and its just funny idk)

I grabbed the key and unlocked the door with one hand and pushed it open. I entered and saw George watching stranger things on the tv. He turns to me and smiles, getting up and grabbing Tommy from my arms and giving me a peck on the cheek. 

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