
453 8 3

Trigger warning: suicide

Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable. 



I watched as Ghostbur left the tent, I looked down at the compass he gave me.

'It's to point you to Tubbo, where ever he is!'

I let out a shaky sigh as my eyes water up. Standing up, I went to the ender-chest and grabbed my discs. I slowly walk towards the portal, the purple particles calling out to me. I walk through, getting a little dizzy and walked towards the portal to L'manberg. 

I look past the edge and give a small, broken smile. "Soon..."

I make my way through the portal and sit in front of it and wait. Soon enough, Dream and everyone else make there way towards me. 

"Tommy," Dream says. "You don't belong here, go home before I kill you..."

I slowly look up at him and smile. I search through my inventory and hand him one of my discs. 

"I think you take care of it more than I can. Merry Christmas..." I whisper, dejectedly.

He looks at the disc then back at me, shock obvious though his white mask.

I stand up and walk through the portal, aware of the audience following me. I make it through with everyone else. I slowly walk towards the edge and sit there, dangling my legs. I took a shaky breath, looking through my inventory and finding the other disc. Turning towards Tubbo, silently telling him to grab it. 

"I thought you should have something to remember me by..." 

"Toms, what are you-" 

I don't let him finished before slipping off the edge, their yells ringing in my ears. I let the lava consume me without a second thought.


I respawn in a forest. 

Where am I...?

I look at my grayish skin, then look through my inventory and see... a compass. 

'Your Tubbo...?' I whisper, confused.

I use the compass and it led me to a city surrounded by walls, but I don't think that they named this big place 'Tubbo'. I giggle to myself, imagining if they did. 

I keep following the compass and it leads me to a white house. I look around before going in. I wander around before hearing someone.

"- Ghostbur, do you think you can find him...?" someone says.

'I can try...'  he says.

Seconds later, I'm face to face with another ghost. He has a red beanie and a yellow sweater that stands out against his gray skin. He looks shocked and upset. 

'Tommy...' he whispers.

'Ummm.... hello!' I say with a smile, unaware of what just occurred.

After I said that, there was a mess of people running over to us. There were many people, a girl with blond hair next to a boy with a suit and a green tie. There was a man with a white mask and green hoodie and two people behind him, a man with black hair and a white headband and a man shorter than them with white glasses and brown hair. There were many others and they all had a grieving face on.

I take in their features and their reactions, they either had a surprised face or a grieving face, I was a little confused why, but didn't ask about it.

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