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Disclaimer: Don't force ships onto any mcyt, it makes them uncomfortable



I woke with a slight head ache before swinging my legs onto the floor and got ready for the day. I stood and sighed at the blurry house before grabbing my glasses and putting them on, everything becoming clearer with them on.

I hate my glasses. My old foster family always made fun of my for it and I know there's nothing wrong with having glasses, I just feel insecure about them.

I headed to the bathroom, but I couldn't find my contact box. I remembered I ran out yesterday. Shit.... 

I decided to go to Niki because she gets my contacts for me.

'Alright, I'll just head over to Niki's and avoid everyone until I get another set of contact.' I thought, taking off my glasses and putting them in my bag.

I headed out and realised I can't see shit without my glasses and I could barely make out any faces unless I'm really close.

I started off, careful with the stairs and random bumps on the pavement. I kept my head down to avoid socializing with someone I can't recognize. 

I looked up and saw I made it to Niki's house and knocked. Someone opened the door, but I couldn't recognize who answered.

"Hey Tommy." 

"O-oh hey Wil.." I stuttered, now recognizing his voice.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, concern shining in his eyes that I couldn't see.

"I have to talk to Niki really quickly." I said, looking past his shoulder for no reason, since I couldn't see.

"Oh, well we're having a meeting with everyone else, but you can still come in." he says, opening the door wider.

I felt a chill run down my spin.


I walked inside and saw a large table and blurry blobs surrounding it, but I couldn't recognize who sat there, but I'm guessing most of the town leaders are here.

"hi Tommy." I heard A female voice, I recognized as Niki, call out.

"H-hi Niki." I mumbled shyly.

"Is there a reason you're here?" she wondered.

I felt my face flush red as I walked shyly to where I heard her voice.

"I-" I hesitated, not wanting to be made fun of. "I need new contacts..." I whispered.

"What happened? I couldn't hear you, say it again, please?"

I felt tears prick my eyes, embarrassment flooding my body.

"I- umm... I need new contacts." I said, louder than before. 

"Oh!" she says, then realizes they haven't come in yet. "Oh, I'm sorry. They haven't arrived yet."

I nodded dejectedly. I headed towards the door when I got a massive headache. I put my hands on my hand and let out a small whimper.

"Tommy...?" I recognize the voice as Techno's. 

I look up and see a blob with pink on top, signifying its techno with his pink hair.

"Sorry," I whisper, not taking my hands off my head. "I'll go..."

Techno reached his hand to my shoulder, but I quickly walked out, not once looking back.

I walked for a while before realizing I didn't know where I was. All the colors blended together and I couldn't make out what the signs said.

A sigh escaped my lips, I dropped my arms to my sides and reached into my bag, shamefully pulling out my glasses. I put them on and sighed in relief that my headache was slowly going away. I looked around and knew where I was.

I started to head back, but i heard a voice behind me.

"Yo, Tommy are those glasses...?" the voice said. 

I turned around and saw the group from before looking at me weird, some smiling, others laughing.

I quickly took them off and place them in my bag. 

"No." I said, my head lowered in shame.

I turned to walk away, but felt someone get something out of my bag. I turned and saw Techno with something in his hands, which I guessed were my glasses.

"Tommy." he says. "How long have you had these?"

"U-um.. just a day. I took them from Wilbur's chest." I lied.

"No, I don't use prescription glasses." Wilbur said, walking towards us.

Techno turns to me and places the glasses on my face, and notices my body relaxing, no longer having to strain my eyes.

"Tommy, these are yours?" he says, kneeling down.

"Maybe.." I whisper, shame flooding my body, tears pricking my eyes.

"Why don't you wear them?" Wilbur asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"My old family made fun of them and used to say I looked ugly with them." I said, using the back of my hand to wipe my tears.

I heard someone walk up to me and wrap their arms around me, rubbing the back of my head.

"Don't listen to whatever they had to say, you are beautiful with or without your glasses. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."

I put my face on there shoulder and whispered, "

thank you.."


yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, another upload wOoOaAaH... Leave a comment on what you want to see more of or i'll keep writing angst... drop a vote here or there.


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