Chapter Two: A Version of the Truth

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Jack Hamilton

"Where are we?" I asked Des.

In her canine form, she seemed to smirk at me. "A wolf's den."

I looked around this underground cabin, so to speak. It was a little damp, but it was like a secret clubhouse beneath Cardinal City. There was a bed in one corner, and a couch on the other. A radio sat on top of an old blocky T.V—the kind I remember seeing when I was six and staying over my grandparents' house. There was a chipped coffee table with recent magazines and newspapers covering the tabletop between the couch and television—giving the area an oddly homey feeling. I could see another room with a small entryway from where I stood, but I couldn't see past the doorway. The place was surprisingly well-lit, and smelled a little musty, but otherwise, it seemed to be in decent condition.

Before I could speak another word, Des said, "Place Penn on the bed, Jack."

I nodded and made my way to the bed with unmade sheets.

I gently placed Penn on the covers, but despite my caution, she still winced as if I slammed her down.


"Let me see her." Des said, approaching in the form I've always known her to have. She had covered herself up in a bathrobe and held the sincerest of looks in her eyes. "Oh, Petite..." she mumbled as she checked her injuries.

Penn winced sharply when Des touched the right side of her stomach. Her eyes snapped open and she was near tears.

"Des..." she gasped. "Is everyone safe? Is everyone—"

"Oui," Des' smile was sad as she held onto Penn's hand for a second before placing it beside her. "Penn, your injuries are serious. We can't take you to a hospital. You need to cha—"

"What do you mean we can't take her to a hospital? Of course, she needs to see a doctor, Des. It's insane not to take her to a professional! Just look at her!"

She turned that gloomy smile towards me. "We cannot take her, Jack."

"Why not!?"

"I kind of have a secret identity, Super-brain." Penn spoke slowly, trying to lighten the tension.

"So what? What's the point in all this if you turn up—"

"Jack!" Des said commandingly. "Enough. We can't move Penn again. She's already losing too much blood as it is." She took a moment to take a calming breath. "Just relax for a minute and let me handle this."

She turned her attention back on Penn who seemed to be fading in and out.

"Penn, Penn, listen to me." She placed a gentle hand on her shoulder while the other peeled off Tempest's mask. "You need to transform. Tempest can heal you. Can you do that for me, Petite?"

She groaned before saying, "I'll... try."

I straightened up as I realized I was about to see a human being transform to something else. Or in this case, someone else.

But instead of the smooth transition I was anticipating, this last-cry-for-help scream echoed throughout the room.

Without a second thought, I began to move towards Penn's side, but Des' arm stopped me. I tried to push it away, but it didn't even budge. Des was clearly a lot stronger than I thought she was.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now