Chapter Four: Come To Mind

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Jack Hamilton

I looked through the eyepiece of my microscope in the lab. In the petri dish were about ten dark gray nanobots. Their microscopic selves scrambled over each other and tapped against the glass they were contained in as I observed them.

"Why can't I figure out how to adjust you yet?" I mumbled to myself. I've been playing around with different algorithms to make them stronger in the field. Maybe even make them bulletproof.

After Penn's downtown battle royale three weeks ago, it's been a little quiet. And by that, I mean that there haven't been any super-powered villains stepping up to the plate. I'm sure I just jinxed it somehow. I mean, don't get me wrong, crime has sky-rocketed since Chaos' appearance. And I'm not so sure that's not a coincidence, but in the meantime, Penn's had a bit of a break. Which means, I have some time to improve her costume. It's the least I can do, right?

I don't know... I just... feel like... I just don't know how to help her. Hell, I'm still adjusting to seeing Penn as Tempest. But I should be doing something. And if improving her costume helps her stay alive, that's sure as hell what I'm going to do. But as it stands now... I'm getting nowhere.

I frowned at the thought but kept watching the nanobots.

"Oh, Jack, you're still here." Professor Blake's voice drew my attention away from the bots.

"Yeah," I nodded, watching him approach me. He looked tired. Really tired. I could see it in his brown eyes. "I'm just trying to come at the problem in a different way, but no dice so far."

Professor Blake nodded with sympathy. "Yes, I seem to be at a standstill too." He smirked at me before checking his watch. "It's starting to get late, Jack. Don't you have any celebratory parties to attend?"

"Celebratory parties?" I smirked curiously at his query.

"Well, it is the end of the school year. I just assumed you would have some plans to celebrate a job well done." His grin was sincere as he watched me.

"Oh." I frowned as I thought about it. "No, not really. Well, my roommate, Gavin, is probably doing something, but I'm not really in the party mood." I paused as a thought occurred to me. "Oh..."

I checked the date on my phone. May 15th—

Right... today is Penn's birthday. I smiled as I thought about her. I wonder what she's doing for her special day. Quickly, I sent her a happy birthday text before putting my phone back in my pocket.

"Is everything ok, Jack?" Professor Blake asked cautiously.

"Yeah, everything is all good. Something just came to mind." I turned towards the microscope as I pointed my thumb at the nanobots. "Now if only something could come to mind for these things."

He smiled at me then—his eyes crinkling a little when he did. "Jack, why don't you go home and take a break. Approach the problem while you're more refreshed."

"That's not a half bad idea." I agreed as I stood up and stretched, my back cracking with little effort. Ok... maybe I was sitting still much longer than I thought. "Will you be staying much longer, Professor?"

"Just a bit longer, yes."

"Alright then." I started to take the nanobots out from the microscope when Professor Blake stopped me.

"You can just leave it, Jack. I'll take care of it."

"Are you sure?" I asked before placing them down on the counter.

"Yes, yes. I'm going to look at them anyway." He nodded. "Now, go. Enjoy the rest of your night. I will see you tomorrow."

"Ok." I grinned. "See you tomorrow, Professor."

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