Chapter Ten: Home

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Des Louvière

Wind blew past my fur as I raced through the forest. I was trying my best to forget everything that

Hunter had told me. That he was even here... but seeing him dredged up so many scars. I'm not sure I can hide them deep down again.

And what he said about the witches... What could they be after? Non. Do not do this to yourself. This is not your problem. They are the ones that started this war. It is not yours to fight.

And yet... a part of me felt this pull. A desire to be a part of something. But I am a part of something. Here with Penn, I have all I need, and with the arrival of Tempest, I'll have all the adventure I can hope for.

But there was something different about this pull. It was infuriatingly appealing.

I stopped near a clearing, the moon was partially covered by clouds, but bright enough to show a path.

I wanted to howl. I wanted to let loose this cathartic cry, and with it, my problems would hopefully dwindle. But I held it in. I did not want Hunter to hear me. To get a sense of my feelings. Because, even though, I told him he would feel my fangs—which wasn't completely a lie—I knew that if the time ever came, I would hesitate.


I drove back home from what Petite likes to call my 'wolf den' early in the morning. It was nice to be transformed. Sometimes, I felt like I held in the Rougarou in me too much. I should really go for a run more often.

I made every attempt to be as silent as possible. I am sure Petite is still sleeping and will probably be hurting as soon as she awakens. And truthfully, I am très exhausted. I've come to the conclusion that Hunter has never been a liar by nature. So, if he came all this way to give me a warning. On some level, the threat must be real. But to what extent is still unknown.

I walked past Penn's room as I made my way to the bathroom. But before I closed the door, I heard Petite groaning. "Ehhhh... Des? Is that you?"

I turned the faucet on, cupping my hands under the cold water. "Oui!" I replied right before I rinsed off all my make-up. "Be out in a second, Petite!"

I dried up, kicked off my heels in the hallway, and made my way to the kitchen.

Petite moaned and groaned like a zombie as she made her way towards me. Her fingers rubbed against her temples as her glasses hung crookedly on her nose. And her hair... well, to say it was messy was an understatement.

"Rough night, cherie?" I laughed.

"Don't tease me." She bellowed. "Besides, you did this to me. Why didn't you stop me?"

"I'm not sure I could have. But at least you don't have to go into work today. That way you can recover a bit."

"Yeah, I guess that's true." She continued rubbing her temples.

I smirked her way. "Breakfast?"

She made a face as if I made the worst suggestion ever. "Maybe just toast."

"Coming up!" I told her, reaching for the bread, and going over to the toaster.

"Ugh. Whisper, dude." She paused before she said, "You were out late, huh?" When I glanced over at her, she removed one hand from her head to gesture to my clothes. "Getting it, I see."

I couldn't help but crack up at Petite's thought process. "Non. Just... couldn't sleep."

She has so much to worry about. I'll just tell her another time...

"Mhmm..." she shrugged, waiting for her breakfast.

I pulled out the butter and orange juice before asking, "So, Petite, do you remember anything about last night?"

Penn blushed for a moment as I served her toast on a plate. She grabbed a knife and very sloppily started to put butter on the bread as I poured us each a glass of juice.

"Well... um..." her mouth curled about before she said, "I don't think Felicia can get drunk."

"Huh?" My brows pulling together in puzzlement. "What do you mean, cherie? When did you transform last night?"

"When... Jack brought me home..." she looked down at her toast, not touching it. "I mean, I was her for maybe a minute before I turned back, but... I think because she can heal fast, she sobered me up a bit. And... things were said... and not said... Actually, you know what, never mind. I don't want to talk about it."

I smirked at Petite. Well, well... what a time you two must have had.

"Alright then." I agreed, respecting her decision. When she's ready to tell me, she will. "I think I want waffles... with whipped cream!"

Petite looked up at me, surprised. But her shock quickly changed to a grin. "You know, that doesn't sound so bad."

"Waffles for two, coming up! Ding! Ding!" I pretended to ring a bell on our little kitchen island.

Petite laughed hard but continued to cradle one side of her face. "Ow! Ugh! Des, you're lucky I love you. Otherwise, this loud sound effects thing you got going on would be shut down!"

I chuckled at the playful look my best friend gave me.

Oui, I smiled. This is home.

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