A Sick Day for Tempest--Chapter One: Summer Fever

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Penn Benson

It's so hot. I'm sure it didn't help that I had to wear jeans to hide my costume in ninety-degree weather. But alas, this is what the comic books don't tell you when you choose the vigilante life. Maybe I should start a blog. I thought, amusing myself. Nah. Who has the time, really?

I turned the corner, and just as I stuck my mask in my pocket, I spotted Des and Jack laughing over a cup of coffee.

"Hey, guys." I watched the two of them cautiously. It was kind of weird seeing them together and having a good time at that. I mean, not that they aren't allowed to or anything. It's just... When did they get so close? "What's going on?"

"Petite!" Des beamed at me. "I ran into Jack at the store, and we decided to have some coffee. Want some?"

"Yeah, come join us." Jack smirked at me before taking a sip from his mug.

"No, thanks." I said, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge. "I'm not too big on coffee, remember?"

"Oui," my roommate said, holding her mug with both hands. "But you never know."

"Hey, Penn..." Jack called, approaching me slowly. His caramel eyes scanned my face just as his hand reached my cheek.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked, suddenly feeling even warmer.

I tried to pull away, but Jack just put the back of his hand to my cheek and then my forehead. "Your face is super red."

Duh! Because you don't know how to keep your hands to yourself!

"And you're burning up." He added.

"What?" Des said, quickly rummaging through our junk drawer. With lightning speed, she pulled out our thermometer and pushed Jack's hands away from me. Before I could protest, she placed the thermometer on my temple, and said, "Do not fight me, Penn."

I treaded lightly at hearing her say my actual name. "Des, I'm—"

"Feverish!" she exclaimed, aghast. "Where's the medicine? Do we have orange juice? You need to hydrate." Des began to wildly search our kitchen like a chicken with its head cut off.

"Des, please!" I tried to get her to calm down. "It's not that big of a deal. It's just a little summer fever."

She gave me 'mom eyes.' You know, the kind that told you—without ever opening her mouth—that things were NOT ok, and she will never approve even if it was. Meanwhile, Jack was biting his lip as he tried not to laugh at our exchange. The image of his actions left me both irritated and just a little... Wait a second, Benson! I yelled at myself. Stay on task. No need for inappropriate thoughts about... You know, don't even give it a name. Naming it will only make it real. Make it stronger.

"Look, if it makes you feel better, I'll just run to the corner store and—ah... Ahhh... AACHOOOO." My eyes shut tight as the biggest sneeze I've ever had the pleasure of enduring came out of me. I groaned, shaking my head. I felt oddly rattled. "Excuse me." I sniffled. "Like, I said, I'll juuussssttt..." My thought trailed off as I watched Jack and Des stare wide-eyed at me. "What's wrong with you two?"

"Petite..." Des started. "You... Um... you..."

"You're Tempest." Jack said bluntly his eyes scanning me as he took the thermometer off the table.

"Huh? I am not—" I grabbed the ends of my hair to find long chestnut strands slipping through my fingers. "I'mmmm Tempest. Well, shit. That can't be good." I paused for a minute, truly puzzled. "Or wait, maybe it is! When I'm in this form I heal faster. That's perfect!"

"Maybe..." Jack said skeptically as he put the thermometer to my forehead again. After a minute, the device beeped, and Jack began to pout. "Or maybe not."

"One-hundred and five degrees!" Des exclaimed, snatching the thermometer from Jack and showing it to me. "That's it, off to bed with you."

"Des, honestly, if I can still stand, then this form must be doing something rig—AH... AHHHHH... AAACCHHHOOOO!"

"And back to Penn you go." Jack's mouth scrunched up before he scratched his head. "I don't think you should go anywhere, Penn. Des has got the right idea. You need to stay home."

I blinked a few times as I sniffled. I felt worse coming back into my original form then I did before my involuntary transformation. My throat was suddenly sore, I could hardly breathe, and I felt wicked lightheaded.

"No," My raspy voice said. "Ugh... even though I sound like a chain-smoker, I'm sure I'll be good. I'm going out on patrol today. See." I said, feeling like I could barely lift my own tee to show off my costume.

"Non, you are not doing that, Petite." Des announced like it was a done deal. "What if you sneeze again and transform? How are you going to help anyone when you are in this state?"

"I just won't sneeze!" I wrinkled my nose, feeling another one coming. As if we summoned it by talking about it. "See." I said through clenched teeth. "Just did it. Pineapple and all that. You know the tricks." I coughed.

Great... now I have a cough too!? Des is already in supermom mode. I don't think I have the strength to push past her either. I internally pouted.

"You can't leave. If you get hurt or someone spots you, there goes your secret identity. Or your life, Penn. You play with real fire out there. No need to get burned unnecessarily." Jack said, his caramel eyes making me a little weak.

Damn this weak sick mind! Stay strong or you'll never go on patrol today!

"Yeah, but—"

"CC can go one day without Tempest. You can't be everywhere, Petite. You have to take care of yourself too."

I was about to speak, but instead, I sneezed three times in a row! And by the end of it, I was dizzy from all the transformations. I grabbed my head before I nearly fainted.

Thankfully, Jack was fast, and he caught me in his arms before I could reach our hardwood floors. "Penn!" he called, his fingers moving my sweaty bangs out of my face. "You ok!?"

I sighed, letting myself lean against him for a moment. "Fine, Des. You win. I'll stay home. On one condition that is." I coughed, covering my mouth before I pushed myself away from Jack. I couldn't look at him, embarrassed that I used him as my temporary pillow.

"And what is that?" she asked, eyes inspecting me carefully.

"You go on patrol."

"What? You really want me to go around looking for trouble, cherie? Non, I will help take care of you."

I shook my head, taking my glasses off for a moment as I rubbed my temples. It felt like a small headache was beginning to build up. "Someone has to do it, Des. If not me, you're the only one I can trust to get it done. You can handle yourself. You're Rougarou after all, right?"

Des frowned at me. If I didn't know better, I'd say she was even pouting. We stared at each other for a straight minute before she caved. "Fine, Petite. I will go. But not before I pick you up some medicine. We are severely low, and I doubt a pack of Alka Seltzer is going to heal you."

I smiled as triumphantly as I could but it didn't stop me from feeling the strain of forcing my muscles to do such a simple action. "I love you, Des! You're the best!"

"Jack," Des turned to him, a commanding air about her. "You will watch Petite while I am away. Oui?"

"Of course." He nodded, smiling at me gently. "I'd be happy to help."

My heart skipped at beatthinking that Jack and I will be left alone together. Ever since my birthday, Ifeel like it's been hard to talk to Jack. I mean, he only confessed hisfeelings while I played stupid. Not to mention we haven't even talked about thefact that he kissed me, and that was months ago! Ugh... This is going to be ssssooooawkward...

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora