Chapter Two: Last Year

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Penn Benson

I can't say I was pleased by Des's lack of enthusiasm. I mean, after all, she just revealed the wild truth that witches are real! But I could understand why it was stressing her out to talk about it. I would be anxious too if I knew this 'La Reina' was after me. Not that I need to add someone else to my list of stalkers. Chaos was already one too many.

Still, despite all that, I wanted to press Des for more. But the look on her face... You don't have to read auras to read the room.

"Des, am I crazy or does Gwen's smell freaking delicious right now?"

"Non," she nodded, agreeing. "You are not crazy. I am starving."

As we waited for our lunch to arrive at our booth, I decided to take the high road and not totally blow our covers as inhuman-like beings in public. "Des, is it really your last year at CSU?"

Des looked thoughtful for a moment as she considered my question. "Now that I think of it, it is my last year, isn't it?"

I smirked incredulously at her. "Oh, come on now. You're going to tell me that you didn't realize that? I'm sure it will be a relief not to have your bank account hemorrhaging every semester."

Des laughed heartily at that. "Oui," she nodded. "Although, I am lucky that Avery was such a kind guardian."

I smiled as Des decided to open up about her past. It wasn't something she did often, and I always felt grateful that she felt safe enough to share her experiences with me. Especially after I was bombarding her about witches earlier. At least I know that I didn't ruin our friendship yet.


She nodded, a sobering smile on her face. "Oui, Avery was... He was a guardian of sorts. He took me in when I was..." she looked around, making sure no one would hear before she leaned in a bit and said, "...banished from my clan."

I smiled a bit less then. She mentioned before that her family disinherited her, but somehow, hearing her say 'banished' gave it a different feel. And knowing what I know now, a different context.


"Here you are, ladies!" the waiter interrupted as he brought over our burgers and fries. "Is there anything else I can get for you?"

"No, thank you." I smiled up at him.

"Alright then!" he grinned chirpily. "Let me know if you need anything else."

"Sure thing." I nodded, watching him walk away before I started again, "Des—"

I looked aggravatedly at my phone as it rang, interrupting me. For a hot second, my heart skipped a beat when I saw it was Colin.

"Sorry, Des." I put up a finger as I said, "One sec, ok?"

Des smirked as she took an envious bite of her delicious burger before she winked at me.

"Hello? Colin?" I started. I watched as my roommate's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"Hey, Penn! How are you?" he asked a bit nervously.

"I'm good." I mentioned, suddenly feeling awkward. "You?"

"I'm really good. Really good." He paused before saying, "I hope I'm not interrupting anything, but I was wondering if you had some time for me later today?"

"Today?" I asked, shocked. "Uh, yeah. I don't see why not. Is everything ok?"

"Yeah." He said with a little too much enthusiasm. "I just wanted to chat with you for a bit, if that's cool."

"I don't see why not. I'm just having lunch right now. Is it ok to meet up after? In about an hour or two?"

"Sounds perfect! Meet at POW!?" he suggested, gleefully

I tried not to laugh as I said, "Yeah, alright. I'll see you then, Colin."

"See you then, Penn."

When we hung up, Des immediately wanted in on the scoop. "So, Petite... you get calls from Colin now?"

I shrugged, showing my awe. "I am just as surprised as you are, to be honest." I took a fry and stuffed it in my mouth. "Apparently, he has something he wants to chat about."

"Do you think he wants to ask you out?" Des took a sip of her lemonade before she continued. "I mean, you did go out before, right?"

"That was literally so long ago!" I grimaced.

"I thought you were into him." she smirked teasingly.

My mouth scrunched up—not sure what to say to that. I mean, yeah. I WAS into Colin, but—

Thankfully, Des saved me by changing topics. "Going back to last school years, you know who else this is the last year for?"

I raised an eyebrow as I finally took a bite of my burger. "Who?" I mumbled out.

"Jack." She said as she looked me right in the eyes with a mischievous smile.

"Really?" I looked up, thinking about. "No. Is it?"

Des nodded in confirmation. "Oui."

I never thought about Des and Jack leaving CSU. Could a survive college without them? Did I want to?

I stood quiet as I stuffed my face full of food.

There was just too much to think about today.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now