Chapter Five: Trouble

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Penn Benson

As we made our way to the ice cream cart, I wasn't sure I could contain my excitement. I can't believe this is happening! Am I really writing a comic book about my life!? Gods, how should I write it? Should I just tell it how it is, or should I embellish? How much is too revealing? What if it's not revealing enough? Should I start keeping a diary?

As my brain rattled on with details to finalize and plans to enact, Colin politely asked, "What type of ice cream would you like, Penn? It's on me today."

That grin of his that I used to find positively devastating, was now only moderately charming. It's kinda funny how feelings can just change one day.

"Why, thank you, sir." I laughed. "In that case, I wouldn't mind a cookies and cream cone."

"Ahh," he started, moving up in line as the next person left. "A woman of distinct taste."

"What about you?" I asked. "What're you having?"

"I've got to go strawberry."

"Really?" I chuckled, surprised. "I thought you would have been a chocolate kinda man."

"Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with chocolate, but strawberry has just enough—"

Before Colin could finish his sentence, people in the park were screaming and running towards the exit of Shaker Park. Some stranger shoved me so hard, that I was thrown to the ground, nearly spraining my ankle. Before I could curse them, I glanced in the direction everyone was running away from and caught a glimpse of two wolves swiping at each other.

Des? I thought to myself. What the hell is going on? I thought she was going home.

Before I could get trampled, Colin helped me up and began pulling me towards the exit. "Penn, let's go! Something weird is going on."

"Shouldn't we check it out?" I asked, itching to head towards Des.

"Are you crazy?" he shouted, slowly releasing my arm as he saw I was keeping pace with him. "What if we get hurt? Or even worse, what if we just end up in the way."

"Yeah, but..." I could feel the panic coming off Colin. It was in the way his eyes lit up like a neon sign. It was in the way he balled his fists up as he ran. It was everywhere. "Yeah, you're right. Let's head back to POW!"

I ran with Colin a little while longer before slowing my pace and eventually turning around completely. He didn't seem to notice, so I ran even faster the way we had come.

There was barely anyone in sight now. I was nearly ready to transform when I eyed this tall, blond guy staring at me curiously. I normally wouldn't have looked twice at him, but there was something about him that was strange.

Even in the near distance, I could make out his vibrant green eyes, but before I could give him a withering look, he scampered away with the last few citizens I could spot in the park.

Suddenly feeling an abundance of caution, I hid behind a tree before transforming to Tempest and placing the mask, that I always kept with me, on my face. I listened carefully and heard the sound of Rougarou shrieks nearby. I headed over, running as fast as I could towards Des.

Finally, I spotted Des doing a circular dance of sorts with a larger, brown-furred wolf. "Des," I started, exasperated. "What kind of trouble are we in now?"

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now