Letting Loose--Chapter One: The Good Kind

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Penn Benson

I wanted to drop dead after taking my last final. And I mean, drop dead. I'm freaking exhausted! I was up all night as Tempest thanks to a few less than friendly bank robbers I had to chase down.

And damn those bastards! They nearly slipped through my fingers, but I got them! Gosh, getting these crooks was like winning a game of Clue—at the docks with money in hand.

I didn't get home until somewhere around six in the morning. And just when I thought I could chill out, it hit me like a slap in the face that I had two finals back-to-back. My first was at nine o'clock for my American literature class. That one was in the bag, but my one at eleven—my environmental science exam—not so much. So, with a quick shower and a lot of coffee—and I do mean, a lot. I've never really been a coffee person before, and now, as I chug down pots of it, I can feel my decision justified, but damn, if it doesn't do the trick! Anyway, I studied all the way until my first exam, and then snuck in a quick muffin before studying more for my science test.

And now, here I am, finally reaching my door as I make a trail to my room using my bag and jacket all over the apartment. I just barely took my glasses off as I faceplanted onto my bed.

I don't normally take power naps. Or naps in general, really, but sometimes, an exception has to be made. And boy, was I making a ton of them today.


"Wakey, wakey, Petite!!" I could hear my roommate whisper-yell in my ear.

I groaned as I tossed and turned away from her voice. "Nooooo..."

"You're going to want to wake up..." She told me in a sing-songy way.

"Unless someone is dying, I'm never waking up." I spoke into my pillow.

"I have a surprise for you." I turned my head to look tiredly at my best friend. Her smile was blinding.

"What kind of surprise?"

"The good kind."

I managed to chuckle for a second before forcing my arms to lift my body up. "You're so specific."

She smirked at me before handing over a white envelope. "Happy birthday, Petite."

I gasped as her words assaulted me.

Cheese and crackers! It's my freaking birthday!!

I had completely forgotten. Honestly, I was about to sleep the day away. What is wrong with me?

Probably too many things.

"Oh my gosh! Des!!" I grinned as I graciously took the envelope and hugged her.

She smiled back as she eagerly waited for me to open my gift.

I flipped open the lid to find that there was a single piece of paper in the envelope, and on it, all it said was: Drinks are on me!

"Happy twenty-first, Penn!" Des bounced excitedly for a moment. "Now go wash up, eat a sandwich, and let's go! I will not allow you to waste the rest of your birthday."

I was about to protest, but truthfully, I had nothing better to do. So why not celebrate my twenty-first in a time-honored American way?

I smirked before shrugging at Des. "Alright, why not. Wait... why a sandwich?"

"Trust me, petite. You NEVER go drinking on an empty stomach. It doesn't end well." She grimaced as her whole body shook with the knowledge of someone who can never un-experience something.

Before I made another move, I took a look at my phone and noticed I had several text messages from people wishing me happy birthday—one of which was my brother, Reese. I smiled as I responded back to him.

"Hurry!" Des's Cajun accent was thick with an enthusiasm that was contagious. "And do not worry about your outfit, Petite. I will lay it out for you."

I eyed her warily, but quickly let it go as I went to get ready.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum