Chapter Two: A Happy Day

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Reese Benson

Ok... So, having your overprotective big sis find a hickey on your body is a less than ideal start to a day. Admittedly, it's hard to come back from something like that but... I haven't seen Penn in so long that the idea of suffering through this teeny tiny bit—ok, a LOT—of discomfort was optimal compared to what I dealt with on a daily basis.

I mean, everyone knows that nothing says, "I love you, nephew" like total disregard and neglect.

I guess, it's not so bad. Don't get me wrong. It's not great. By no means, is this a dream come true, but... compared to what I've seen—how Penn and Aunt Judy used to go at it—I count my blessings that she mostly leaves me alone. Mind you, I can never invite people over... I have to fend for myself ninety-nine percent of the time... I never know when I'll have to be Aunt Judy's personal bellhop... and I have to sneak away whenever I want to see Penn, but... but it could be worse. It could be a lot worse. I could be—

I stopped my train of thought before it led somewhere dark. Today was a happy day. One of few. Today, I was with Penn. Today, we could be together without fear that Aunt Judy would find out. Today... today was a great day.

I smiled at my sister as she treated me to a slice of pizza. "You know, I can pay for this. We are celebrating you after all."

"If you think... I am going to let... you spend your hard... hard earned savings on me, you're crazy." She said between bites.

"It might run in the family." I joked.

Penn tilted her head, seriously thinking about it. "Hmm... you're not wrong. Should we get you tested?"

I chuckled before taking a sip of soda. "Only if you go first."

She smirked at me before her face turned serious. "But seriously, Reese's Pieces... are you alright? I'm glad we just had a misunderstanding—" she gestured to my neck. "—earlier, but I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried."

"Penn, seriously," I started to laugh, trying to lighten the sudden tension. "I'm fine."

"Don't lie." She spoke quietly. Solemnly. "It can't possibly be all sunshine and rainbows over there. I'm your big sister. I'm never going to stop being concerned about you. Ever, Reese."

It was in moments like this that Penn reminded me that she wasn't a jokester all the time. And if I really thought about, I knew she did that for me. She always knew how to make me smile through the worst of times. She's always looked out for me. Even now.

"Honestly, Penn," I started, mirroring her sincerity. "I'm ok. Truthfully, Aunt Judy barely gives me glance. She's out so much that we rarely run into each other." I smiled at her, but it didn't feel right.

My sister could see right through me though. She tilted her head to the side and pushed her sliding glasses back up her nose. She gave me a toothless smile before she ruffled my hair roughly. "Don't worry, Reese. I have a plan. I'll be graduating soon. Only one year left. I'll get a steadier job—better pay—and then you'll be out of there. I promise. And... I'm sorry."

"Sorry?" I asked puzzled. "For what?"

"For making you wait so long."

We froze for a moment, silence enveloping us. I felt my throat tighten and my eyes prickle with the familiar sting of unfallen tears. No... I told myself, clearing my throat. No... we're not doing this now. This is not what we're here for. It's a happy day! I thought. Happy. Day.

"Wow, that got real, real quick!" I commented laughing. "Aren't we here for your birthday. Celebrations are not supposed to be serious, remember?"


Before Penn could comment any further, I reached into my pocket and put a small box on the table. "Ta-da!" I grinned. "Happy birthday, Penn. It's not much, but I thought you might like it."

My sister's eyes darted between the box and me. After a moment, she grinned back, picking up the box delicately. "You didn't have to do this, Reese's Pieces!"

"Open it." I said, excitedly.

Penn unwrapped the box quickly and took off the lid. "Aww!" she gushed. "These are so cute! Reeeesssse! I didn't know you were fashionable." She carefully took out the green and pink succulent stud earrings and began to put them on. "They're adorable! Des would be proud of you."

"Well," I started to chuckle at her reaction. "I saw them and thought that they were kinda quirky like you." And resilient. Like you... "So, I just snatched them up."

"I love them. Thank you!" she came over and gave me a big hug before she grabbed another slice of pizza. "Well, let's dig in!"

I nodded, smiling between bites as I watched how even that small little token of my affection made her glow.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now