Chapter Three: A Sign of Insanity

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Penn Benson

Hearing Reese laugh felt like air itself. I could breathe, knowing—that for a moment—he was safe and sound in front of me. He must be doing alright, even if he is with the she-devil. After all, he seems to be in a healthy relationship with that girlfriend of his. And this is based solely on the size of his... ahem... beauty mark there. Maybe I can meet her next time.

"Hey, Reese, how about next time, I meet this girlfriend of yours."

"Anna?" he squeaked, the blood rushing to his cheeks as he thought of her. "Well... I—"

I squinted at him. "What?" I interrupted, taking a sip of soda. "Is there something wrong with her?"

"No..." he said, his hands rubbing his neck. "Let me just run it by her first. Also, it's not like—" Suddenly, Reese zipped his trap, tight. His brows pulled together, and his eyes avoided me.

"It's not like what?" I asked cautiously—catching my tone before it turned on me.

He sighed before saying, "It's not like we know when we'll see each other next..."

My shoulders slumped as my hand reached for my brother's. "Reese—"


I looked up to find my next-door-neighbor staring at me. "J-Jack!" I blushed, remembering my inebriated self putting the moves on him. Just so he could... "What are you doing here?"

"Gavin and Jojo were hungry. So, they sent me on a mission." He shrugged, pointing to the pizza box in his right hand.

"You mean, you had to drive all the way downtown to find your brain?" I smirked.

"Hey," he chuckled. "Better than going on a date to watch paint dry."

"Oh, my god. When are you going to let that go?" I rolled my eyes at him. "Besides, what can I do, I take the offers that come my way." I shrugged, nonchalantly.

"You should look for better ones." His smiling was oddly dazzling today.

Dazzling? Did I just think dazzling?!? Oh, boy... Is this a sign of insanity? Have I lost it??

I laughed hard at his suggestion. "Oh? And where should I look?"

Jack took a step closer, and for some reason, I couldn't look away. "Who knows? He shrugged. "Your next victim could be close by."

I rolled my eyes, laughing. "Whatever." As I tucked my hair behind my ear, my hand brushed against my new earrings, and suddenly, I remembered about Reese. "Oh! Uh..." I glanced over at Reese who watched us with a sly smirk.

I don't like the look of that smile. GASP! And those eyes!! Why are they gleaming so wickedly!? What are you thinking, Reese's Pieces?

"Jack," I started. "This is my brother, Reese. We were celebrating my birthday."

"Belatedly." Reese added before putting his hand out towards him. "Nice to meet you, Jack."

"Ooh, oddly formal, but I can roll with it." He chuckled before taking my brother's hand. "Jack. Wow, Reese. This is so strange. For a while, I was sure, Penn was making you up!"

Reese laughed, good humoredly at Jack's terrible joke. "We don't get to see each other too often." He paused before asking, "Are you... her boyfriend?"

"What!?" I squeaked, nearly spitting up the soda I was drinking. "What? Why? No. Whaaaattttt makes you think that? No. Jack's my neighbor, and classmate."

"We're friends." Jack smiled, but there was a smidge of discontent in his eyes.

"Oh... ok." Reese said, his eyes again darting between us.

"Well, I better get going. Jojo and Gavin aren't into cold pizza. See you around, Penn." He winked at me, playfully before waving to my brother. "Nice to meet you, Reese."

"Same." My brother nodded.

"See ya..."

Jack was barely out the door when Reese said, "Your boyfriend seems nice."

My whole face flushed at his words. "Jack is not my boyfriend. Why do you keep saying that?"

I was going to smack Reese's smirk off his face if he used it against me one more time. "I don't know. He just seems like someone who can keep up with you. After all, you are crazy."

I playfully punched my brother's arm as he laughed. "Crazy, huh? Come on, this psycho will walk you home."

"Fine." He got up, drinking the last bit of soda in his glass. "Just remember to send me an invitation to the wedding."

I started to chase him out of the pizza shop. He laughed as we ran out to the sidewalk. "Don't think I've forgotten about Anna!"

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now