Chapter Two: Pun Intended

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Penn Benson

I felt a little nervous as I stepped into Gwen's Bar and Grill. It was packed with other CSU students eating and drinking in celebration about the semester being over. Some playing pool as they clinked beer mugs before chugging it whole, while others were at their own booths chit chatting. On the stage was a local band that I didn't know the name of, but their music was danceable and definitely gave the place a party vibe.

I felt like people were staring at me, but I knew that if they were, it was probably because I have one of the most gorgeous best friends that's ever existed beside me—Des rocked these black boot heels with a slightly frilly gray skirt that she paired with a tight white shirt, and silver layered necklace.

I mean, if they were staring at me, it wasn't like it was a huge deal. I wasn't wearing anything outrageous, but it also wasn't my normal jeans and tee. Des dressed me in a V-neck dressy tank, with some ripped skinnies, and a leather jacket that she paired with some wedges. I swear she's forever sneaking clothes in my closet because I had no recollection of ever buying the tan wedges she made me wear tonight.

Des guided me right up to the bar. It was packed, but she managed to snag us two stools. Then she leaned over the counter to get the bartender's attention. He was cute too. Tall, tan, and muscular. His eyes seemed to twinkle a bit as Des winked at him.

"What can I get you, Gorgeous?" His voice was very deep while his flirting was very shallow.

"Two shots and keep them coming." She grinned.

"You got it."

The bartender served us quickly before tending to someone else.

"Ooh, Des, was that some sparks I felt?" I elbowed her playfully.

She laughed as she handed me a shot of tequila. "Non, Petite. That was called skipping the line."

We laughed, clinked glasses, and drank our shots. Not a minute after we put the glass on the table, the bartender came back with that flirtatious smile and served us again.

"Thank you, barkeep!" I cheered and took my second shot.

"Whoa!" Des cheesed. "Look at you. You seem to be a pro." She said, downing her second one in a matter of moments.

"What can I say, I'm letting loose!" I grinned. "If I can't do that much on my birthday, then what can I do?"

"Now that's the spirit!"

"Pun intended?"

Des shook her head as she chuckled. "Oui."

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