Chapter Seven: Reveal

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Penn Benson

I wish I could say I was surprised to find my best friend doing the tango with a werewolf almost twice her size, but at this point, I've seen it all.

"So... uh, what's going on here?" I asked, completely aware that I now had two pairs of Rougarou eyes on me.

One, the lovely blue orbs I was used to. Meanwhile, the neon green of the new wolf was intense. The Rougarou glared at me, fangs in full view as that paw took one step in my direction.

"That is Hunter!" Des yelled, taking a step along with him.

The movement made Hunter snap his head in Des's direction. The front of his body crouched lower to the ground. His eyes darting between the two of us suspiciously.

"Like, your ex, Hunter?" I raised an eyebrow at him. "Sheesh. Talk about not letting go."

I guess, pirate man didn't like that because he side-stepped Des, and nearly pounced on me. But I James Bond rolled away, and bounced back up, fists raised in answer.

Hunter was fast though. I barely managed to dodge his swipes and snarls. But he was nothing if not determined. He kept coming at me like I owed him money, and eventually, it paid off. Hunter's claws dug into my arm, leaving a long and bloody gash that hurt like all get out.

Pissed off, I glowered at the Rougarou. "Seriously!? Do you know how long that will take to heal?"

While my words antagonized him, Des came from the side and scratched his body hard enough to draw his attention. Meanwhile, it gave me the opportunity to football style tackle him, and with my enraged energy, I flipped Hunter over my shoulder so hard that I was momentarily convinced I killed him.

"Hunter?" Des called him, approaching slowly.

We both held our breaths but sighed in relief when we saw his chest rise and fall several times.

"I'm sorry, Tempest." Des called, making me look at her in her wolf form. Her black fur was matted and ruffled from fending off Hunter for who knows how long. "He is not... He was being manipulated."

I felt my brow pull together as I asked, "Manipulated? By who?"

Before she could answer, we heard a wicked cackle that seemed to echo all around us.

I pouted, annoyed. "Uh, oh. Maniacal laughter. That's never a good sign. Chaos?" I wondered, rolling my eyes.

Des shook her wolfy head. "Non. Definitely not. She is a witch."

"See!" I started, excited. "Didn't I say..." Even I could tell that Des was making a 'really' face through her Rougarou form. "Ok. Fair enough. To be continued."

"Hmm... you must be the famed Tempest." This echo routine felt oddly reminiscent, but I wasn't having any of it.

"If you keep her talking, I'll try to pinpoint her aura." Des whispered in my brain.

"And you must be...?" I prompted, trying to get her to egg her on.

"Someone very invested in Odessa's future. In fact, you quite interest me as well." The witch laughed, amused by something she never said aloud.

"Why do all the crazies like me?" I tsked, watching as Des started walking towards the forest.

"Ahh..." I could hear the smirk despite being unable to see this woman. "You must mean Chaos." She giggled like she thought of something funny. "Well, if you ever want to piss her off, let me know. I'll gladly oblige."

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now