Chapter Three: Fetch

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Des Louvière

It felt strange to mention Avery to Petite. I suppose I kept waiting for her to bring him back up. And for that matter, to bring back the topic of witches again, but when she just ate—fairly quietly, I might add—I could tell that we were done discussing my past for now.

I guess it was a bit naughty of me to bring up Jack's final school year to Petite. After all, her aura went through so many color changes, it was like staring directly at a rainbow strobe light. Which, to a seer, was like instant karma.

And it is not that I despised Colin. On the contrary, he always seemed like a very sensible and collected person. But I could tell that he and Petite would not mesh well on an intimate level. She just doesn't feel as strongly when he's around. Not the way she does around Jack. But again, I can only help the poor man so much. Hmm... I contemplated. Is he ever going to ask her out? Should I be guiding him instead of her?

As I pulled over to park in front of POW!, Penn gave me a hug before leaving the car. "Thanks for the ride, Des. I'll see you at home."

"Oui," I grinned back. "Be safe now."

"Aren't I always?" she smirked before walking into the local comic bookstore.

I was just about to pull away when, from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw Hunter. I glared as he turned the corner. Why does he never listen to me!? I groaned, parking the car, and following him. I guess he wants to learn the hard way.

Swiftly, I turned the corner and found him halfway down the street. I was going to call after him, but it occurred to me that he hadn't noticed me at all. That is unusual. I squinted, surveying the environment carefully. Hunter never let his guard down. For him to not even hint at sensing me must mean something is up. Should I even care? I thought to myself. I told him to stay away. I told him I wanted nothing to do with him. So why should I chase after him?

Maybe it was out of allegiance to my past life. Or maybe it was because my feelings for Hunter were still up in the air, but something was gnawing at me. I just could not walk away.

When Hunter crossed the street and entered Shaker Park, I followed.

He walked through the park and eventually stopped in a secluded area. He looked around as if searching for something. It was in that moment that I decided to call out to him.

"Hunter, I thought we had an understanding." I folded my arms, crossed.

He looked at me in surprise. "Odessa, what are you doing here?"

"That is what I want you to tell me. I thought you were leaving Cardinal City." I eyed the way his eyes shifted.

"You need to go." He commanded.

"You do not order me around." I leered.

Hunter groaned, annoyed. "Why do you never listen to me, cherie?"

"Perhaps because you are so often wrong."

Suddenly, before our talk could go any further, a mischievous laugh echoed around us. Both Hunter and I looked around, looking for the source of the sound.

"Well, if it isn't Odessa Moreau. What an honor."

"Who are you?" I demanded, bending my knees just enough to make me fluid in the event of battle.

"I haven't decided if I like you or hate you yet." The disembodied voice giggled like she was telling a joke. "Perhaps a test! Yes! A test will do. Hunter," the woman's voice called.

"Hunter, who is this?" I glared at him, immensely concerned for our safety.

"I don't know." He finally admitted. "I received a message from the pack and was supposed to make contact with a liaison."

That woman's voice echoed in laughter again. For a moment, I wondered if it was Chaos, but I have heard Chaos speak, and her voice did not have a twinge of far-off accent. Whoever this was, I do not think she is connected to Chaos. At least I hoped not.

"You are so gullible, Rougarou. It's almost no fun to summon you this way."

I looked around, no longer looking for a body, but looking for an aura. In the near distance, further into the woodsy area of the park, I could just make out an aura with a bright gold core. My eyes widened before I whispered, "She's a witch."

Hunter's mint green eyes looked at me in shock before he bared his fangs and searched violently. "Come out here, witch!"

"No, I'm good. Thanks. But wow... Odessa! Who knew you were such a powerful seer!" she laughed, amused. "I can see why La Reina wants you. However, I think I've seen enough. Hunter," she called him again, "Fetch, boy."

Suddenly, his shoulders dropped, and his eyes glazed over. Before I could even address him, he was transforming into a wolf! He bared his fangs at me, crouching low and slow as he approached.

I took a step back, watching as a viciousness appeared in his eyes. This was no longer the Hunter I knew.

"Shit..." I whispered, turning on my heels and making a run for it.

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