Chapter Five: Drunken Neighbor

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Jack Hamilton

I couldn't quite get myself to go home. So instead, I went for a drive around Cardinal City. I found that sometimes, when I couldn't figure something out, going out for a bit was helpful. And tonight was as good as any to acquire a change of scenery. If I went directly home, I'm sure Gavin would dig his claws into me as he half-dragged me to whatever party he and Jojo were going to. And I just wasn't in the partying mood.

Speaking of parties, I wonder what Penn is doing for her birthday?

Before I could dwell on it, my cell phone rang in my cupholder. At the stop sign, I looked down to see it was Des. Without a second thought, I answered, putting her on speaker.

"Hey, Des, what's going on?"

"Hey," she started, sounding a little off. "I'm sorry to ask such a thing, but can you come down to Gwen's and pick Penn up? Something's come up for me, and I don't want to leave her alone."

Whoa, this is rare. Des doesn't normally call for an SOS. And by her slightly irritated tone, it must be moderately important for her to bail on Penn.

"Of course! Absolutely." I nodded like she could see me. "I'm not that far from Gwen's actually. I'll be there soon."

"Thank you." She sounded so relieved as if she was holding her breath. "See you soon."


After almost ten minutes, I made it to Gwen's bar and grill. The place was packed with people celebrating the end of the school year. I saw a surprising amount of people that I knew at Gwen's. I greeted them quickly—a wave here, a high-five there. I couldn't help but think that if Penn had witnessed any of that, she would have been making fun of me. Relentlessly.

I smiled as I thought of her teasing me. She always looked so cute when she did it too.

My smile broke out into a grin as I saw Des standing next to a spinning Penn.

"Hey," I greeted Des as I stood in front of her and her roommate. I eyed her quickly. Des looked good. I'd have to be blind to not notice how hot she was right now. Well, Des always looks stunning, but she really outdid herself tonight. She wore this mini skirt that made me take a look around. How were there not a million other guys surrounding her right now? "How's it going?"

Des seemed to take a minute before answering. "Let's just say, Penn is having a better time than I am, at the moment."

When Penn stopped spinning, I could see that her face was red, and a quick glance behind her told me it was from the countless shots she's had so far.

This should be interesting.

"Ohmygosh!" Penn's words mushed together as she beamed happiness at me. "You're magic too!" she cheered as she got up. Not seconds after she left her seat, her hands shot up as if she was trying to steady herself on a balance beam. "Did you feel that?" she spoke a little loudly. "Wejusthad an earthquake." Before I could respond, she was screaming. "Under the table! It's an earthquake!"

She tried to wobble her way under the bar, but Des and I reached out and each grabbed one of her arms before she could bang her head against the counter.

Oh my god, she's hammered.

"Oh..." she started as if she realized something. "...the earthquake stopped."

I couldn't help but laugh. This was uncharted territory for Penn, and the fact that I get to see this is just beyond words. "I see why you called now."

Des simply nodded, but she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at some man across the room. "Take her home please?"

"Nooo!!" Penn protested as she forcibly removed her arm from Des's grip, but instead of landing against her side, her hand laid on top of my shoulder. Her whole body rested against me as she looked up, her eyes peeking from behind her glasses. "Why hello..." She smirked as she took a deep breath. I couldn't help but swallow a lump in my throat. We'd normally never be this close. Correction. Normally, Penn would never get this close to me. "...Yousmell yummy."

I wanted to blush hard, but instead, I just smiled at her and said, "It's time to go, Penn."

"Ok." She whispered, a grin breaking out on her face. "But onlyif you givemeh a piggyback ride."

I held in my laughter as I saw the look of excitement in her eyes. "You got it, birthday girl."

She gasped sharply and bounced on her toes in response. "Y'know my birthday! Yay!" Then with little hesitation, she used the stool to very haphazardly jump on my back. She didn't seem to have any qualms wrapping her arms and legs around me. And I couldn't help missing a beat as I felt her chest against my back. "Byeeee, Des!" she tried to whisper, but was not very successful at it. "Use protection!"

I bit back a comment as I stared at Des. She shook her head with an amused look as she waved back at Penn. Quickly, I used my hands to secure my grip on my drunken neighbor before I said goodbye to Des and started for the door.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon