Chapter Five: Logic Be Damned

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Jack Hamilton

"You know, I'm not sure how much longer I can stay calm about this."

"Well, there's nothing more we can do, Jack." Penn's best friend was just too cool. Always calm and collected. Never seeming to worry about Penn even though it's been going on four days of barely any consciousness. "Penn needs to work through this herself. We got her fresh clothes and her glasses, and for now, that's more than enough."

"Yeah, but—"

"Goooddddd..." A familiar voice spoke as she stretched. "How long was I out?"

I watched Des's face change from collected to astounded relief in a matter of seconds. "Petite!" She grinned just as she left my side and all but ran over to her roommate. "Thank goodness you're up!"

I looked over to the bed before following Des. In the bed was not Penn. In the bed was Felicia. Her long chestnut hair covered her shoulders as her bright green eyes observed us hyper-vigilantly. She had bruises that matched where Penn's were, but they were already well on their way to fading.

Are you really her?

I eyed Felicia closely, looking for any likeness to Penn.

She giggled at Des, and it was so melodic I couldn't help but want to hear it more. "Of course," Her smile sort of looked like Penn's, but her voice was nowhere near identical. It proved to have a more alluring and playful lilt about it. Like she didn't have a care in the world. "You can't keep me down for long." She winked.

I tried to keep myself from frowning. "Right..." I dragged out my words. "Just for four days."

Felicia—Penn—blinked hard at me. "What? Four days?" Those jade eyes darted between Des and I as she searched for confirmation.

"Oui," Des nodded. "Four days, Petite."

She just stared at us wordlessly, her mouth flapping a bit like she didn't know what to say.

Now that is Penn. I smiled.

"What about Reese? Is he ok?" Penn's playful tone was overcome with concern about her little brother as she tried to hide the frown she was wearing.

"Reese is ok." Des reassured her. "I checked in on him. He was more worried about you though."

Penn smirked as she thought of her brother. "This kid..." She shook her head. "...I swear. What did you tell him?"

Des shrugged—back to her nonchalant ways. "What else, that you hurt your ankle and wouldn't be 'ninja-like' enough to check on him."

I smiled as I heard her laugh. I prefer her laugh over her groans of pain any day.

There was a moment of silence before an earthquake-like rumble came from Felicia's stomach.

"Umm..." Penn's cheeks were a bit pink as she stared at us, embarrassed.

It was actually a really cute look on her.

"Ah," Des smirked. "Built up an appetite, I see."

I couldn't help but look at Des. She bantered with Felicia so easily. I mean, I guess to her it really is no different from speaking to Penn. So, if it's no big deal for her then why can't I let it go?

My memories instantly reminded me of all the time I spent with Penn thinking she was Felicia. Of all the moments I spent looking like an ass because I was too oblivious and not clever enough to make a connection. But... I suppose, to some extent, that's not true. When I first saw Felicia, something about her reminded me of Penn, but what that something was I don't remember.

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