Chapter Five: Ignorance is Bliss

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Reese Benson

I didn't really want to leave Penn. And I definitely didn't want her diving headfirst into danger just to catch a peek at CC's number one vigilante. But... she was also right about Aunt Judy. If she even caught a whiff of Penn anywhere near me, it would be weeks, hell, months before I would be able to see her again. And most days, the thought of seeing my sister cheered me up more than I would ever admit out loud.

My hands were shaking a bit as I headed to my room. Before, I even thought of relaxing, I checked my stash, and found one water bottle and an old candy wrapper tucked away. This won't do. I scowled. I didn't feel like going back out. Especially with all the sirens out on the road, but I had to make a trip to Hanna's.

While, I do have some free reign around the house—more so when Aunt Judy is away—there are times when I can't go downstairs. Can't get into the kitchen. And depending on Aunt Judy's 'company,' this can go on for days. So, I started stashing food away in my room in case it happens again anytime soon. Little did I know that it would happen so frequently lately. I'm not really sure what they do down there, but more than a couple times I've seen some unsavory things. Guns, knives, talks of 'the takeover' (whatever that's supposed to be). It all unsettles me. And when Aunt Judy catches me, even accidentally, she tries to lock me in my room. It all brings back bitter memories of when she used to do it to Penn. And now, her getaway has become solely mine. Penn always snuck off to the roof, and she'd let me join her sometimes when we both needed a breather. But I shudder to think what my sister would do if she found out about any of this.

On more than one level, ignorance is bliss.

As I walked out the house to head to the store, my phone blew up with blurry pictures of "Tempest Sightings" from down the street. I squinted hard at one particular picture of Tempest running back into Mrs. Loja's house. I couldn't see much of her face, but I did see that teal hoodie she was wearing. Huh... I thought to myself. Penn had on a similar hoodie today. Could she...??? I shook my head, smirking to myself. Nah, there's no way. Penn's not a brunette. Must just be a popular hoodie. Aw, man, she's gonna freak when she realizes she wears the same one as a real-life superhero!

I sent her the picture, smiling as I imagined her reaction before I walked into the corner store. Quickly, I grabbed a small basket and filled it with bread, peanut butter, fluff, chips, two six-packs of water, and a handful of candy bars. This will have to do until the next time I get paid.

As Hanna scanned my stuff, she said, "Hey, Reese, did you hear about the latest Tempest sightin'?"

"I looked at the older casher, smirking as her enthusiasm reminded me of Penn. "I can do you one better. The latest sighting was on my block!"

"Get out!" she screeched. "That's so cool, but also kinda terrifyin'." Casually, Hanna snuck a box of granola bars into my bag. "That one's on me since you had a good scare, huh?"

I chuckled just as my phone buzzed. "Good looking out, Hanna."

"It's the least I can do for my fave customer, and... the best employee I got." She put her hand in front of her mouth, feigning like she was telling me a secret. "But don't tell Paul. He thinks he's number one, ya know."

"My lips are sealed." I mimicked zipping my lips as I grabbed my bag. "See you tomorrow."

"See ya, hon."

Walking out from the store, I checked my phone, and found myself a little disappointed that it wasn't from my sister. But then, got quickly excited to see it was from Anna.

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