Chapter Four: Overwhelming Sadness

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Penn Benson

The old neighborhood hasn't changed. In fact, a sense of nostalgia came over me as I walked beside Reese. Instinctually, I looked back, and for a split second, I watched as my mom's eyes crinkled while she grinned at my brother and me. I watched as my dad held her hand, guiding her closer to us. And just as I would have felt his big, warm hand ruffle my hair, they vanished.

"Penn?" Reese called.

"Yeah?" I asked, a tear suddenly falling down my face. I wiped it away before more could follow.

"You alright?" he slowed, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I gave my little brother a half-smile before I shrugged off his hand and replaced the gesture by putting my arm around his shoulders. "I'm ok." I told him, letting this overwhelming sadness pass through me. "Just... thinking about mom and dad."

Reese leaned into my awkward half-hug. "I miss them too."

You guys would be disappointed in me, wouldn't you? I thought to them as I let go of Reese and began to continue our walk. You're both probably angry that I let us get separated. That Reese still has to—

My train of thought got cut off as I watched these two teenagers—not much older than Reese—break into Mrs. Loja's house. At least, I assumed it was still Mrs. Loja's house. The pair whispered furiously at each other before they giggled and scaled up the side of her house to squeeze through the kitchen window.

I rolled my eyes at these amateurs. Seriously? You're going to steal from an old biddy in broad daylight, and with nothing covering your faces? I mean, how stupid can you—

At the loud clash of things being smashed, I immediately put my arm out, getting ready to cover Reese.

He flinched, looking around for the source of the noise. "Where did that come from?" he looked worriedly over at Judy's house.

The fact that he had a moment of panic thinking it was from Judy made me furious, but I tapered that down, and made note to start that conversation the next time we met. In the meantime, I needed to get my brother home. "I think it might be from Mrs. Loja's." More smashing. This time, I could hear someone screaming. I squinted at the house before turning to Reese. "Time for you to go inside."

"But... but what about you? Come inside with me." The way his eyes got big forced me to clench my fist tightly.

I so badly wanted to comfort him. To lead him inside and reassure him that everything would be fine. But I couldn't do that. I had to help Mrs. Loja, and I'd have to add this moment to my list of things to apologize to my parents for.

"Go inside, Reese. I'm going to call the police. I'll be ok." I smiled at him, hoping that would be enough to get him to listen. "Besides, you know the sea-witch can smell me a mile away. The last thing I want is for you to suffer because she caught us hanging out. And bonus, maybe I'll catch a glimpse of that famous Tempest I keep hearing about."

Reese swallowed a lump in his throat before he nodded, slowly. "Yeah... yeah, you're right about Aunt Judy. She definitely has a bionic sense of smell."

I winked at him before I chuckled. "So, you get it." I gave him a little shove in the direction of my childhood home. "Go. I'll call you when I get home."

"Be careful." He said pointedly. "Don't go crazy with the fangirling."

"No promises!"

The bangs and yelps made me cringe each second they passed, but I needed to make sure that my brother was safe. Just as Reese made it to the door, I ran towards Mrs. Loja's, flipped up my hoodie, and slipped on my Tempest mask. Quickly, I transformed, and used my strength to kick open the door. I found Mrs. Loja shivering in a corner. Her living room was completely destroyed. Lamps smashed, figurines and picture frames shattered. Books ripped and thrown all over the floor. Who the hell do these kids think they are!? I could hear them still destroying things upstairs. I glared at the ceiling before heading towards the homeowner.

"Are you ok?" I whispered to Mrs. Loja.

She could barely speak. She was so in shock. Myold neighbor just barely managed a head nod before I helped her up and escortedher quickly outside. By now, there were several neighbors out. One of them ranup to Mrs. Loja and me quickly. 

"Wait..." The neighbor from across the street started. "You're Tempest!"

I put a finger to my mouth, silently telling him to be quiet. "Don't blow my cover now. They're still in there, you know."

"Right! Right." He whispered. "Of course. But... uh... I called the police."

"Good." I smiled. "Thanks for the help. If you could take this lady here, I'd appreciate it."

"You got it!" he whisper-yelled excitedly. "Come on, Mrs. Loja."

I barely gave the pair a second thought as I headed back inside the house. I snuck up the steps and peeked around the corner. I watched as these two boys took a bat to anything they could find. It all seemed so senseless. It didn't look like they were searching for anything. It was just... destruction for destruction's sake. It made me really want to punch them in the face.

With no hesitation, I came around the corner, and caught them by surprise. "I think this may be the worst redecorating I have ever seen. You may want to reevaluate career moves."

"Oh, shit! It's Tempest!" the shorter one squeaked.

"So? She ain't nothing." The second spat, smashing a vase on the end table in front of him.

"Rude." I crossed my arms, taking a step towards them as I listened to the sound of sirens in the near distance. One took a step back, but the other decided to raise his bat in the air, getting ready to hit me. "At least have the decency to insult me with correct grammar."

The taller boy swung the bat at me, but I snatched it out his hands and tossed it to the side. Then, he reared his fist, taking another swing at me. I dodged, waiting for just the right moment to strike back. After a minute, the kid started to slow down. I tripped him, but it only gave him the reach he needed to go for the bat again. This time, he smacked me right in the stomach. I bit my tongue from swearing and growled angrily at the boy.

I wasn't planning to kick your ass too badly because you're about the same age as my brother, but... I don't care for bullies much.

He tried to hit me again, but I snatched the bat away from him and broke it in half before I gave the kid one good jab that knocked him out. I turned to his accomplice, leering at him. And just as I was to take a step in his direction, he threw the bat down and put his hands in the air. "Please don't pummel me!"

I couldn't help but laugh for a second. "Pummel, huh?" I could hear the sirens in front of Mrs. Loja's. I had to leave before the police tried anything funny with me. As much as I liked helping CC, its officers did not appreciate it as much as everyone else did. "Take your idiot partner downstairs, or I'll have to rethink my choices."

The boy nodded swiftly, grunting and groaning as he dragged his friend down the stairs. I waited a moment before leaving. Suddenly, I heard the conscious one say: "IT WAS ALL HIS IDEA!!"

I smirked before leaping out the window and making my escape.

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now