Caught--Chapter One: Unexpected Mortification

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**Trigger warning: mild verbal and physical abuse ahead.**

Penn Benson

"It's official!" I grinned, wind blowing through my hair. "You're never too old to play on the swings!"

My brother laughed as I watched him from the corner of my eye. He's officially taller than me. Actually, he's got to be close to 5'10". His skin was clearing up nicely, his dirty blonde hair, shaggy, and his cerulean eyes were lit up with joy.

"Hmm... you might have a point. Although..." His voice grew deeper each time I saw him. How I missed the boyish one from my memories, but... I love being able to see him grow up. So, I can't complain too much. "You are getting up there."

"Ah!" I gasped, flicking his arm in protest. "You're fresh!"

We slowed our swinging as we laughed, enjoying each other's company. It's been months since I saw him last. So, needless to say, when I got his message this morning to meet up, I dropped everything. And you know that ancient saying, when the evil witch is away, the siblings will play.

I sighed contently before saying, "I've missed you, Reese's Pieces."

He put a hand on my arm. "I've missed you too, Sis. And I'm really happy we can spend your birthday together. Well, a little late, but still."

I cheesed then, thrilled too. It's crazy to think we haven't spent our birthdays together properly in nearly four years. We can thank that old hag of an aunt for that. I pushed the thought of her away before it turned me sour. Despite the long wait, I was way too excited about seeing Reese today! I took a good look at my fifteen-year-old brother.

Ah! He's growing so fast! Cheese and crackers. I mentally shook my head. Am I his sister or his mother? I couldn't stop smiling as I thought: Well, it doesn't hurt to be a little of both.

 As I examined his casual jeans and tee—all clean, no wrinkles—I was ready to breathe a sigh of relief. That is until I noticed something peeking out from the collar of his shirt. It was the unmistakable darkening of a bruise.

My mind instantly flashed to memories I wished I could scrub from my brain:

"You're always doing stupid things!" Judy snapped at me in the comfort and privacy of her living room—if we were still at the party, she would have never even thought of raising her voice. Instead, she would just ignore me, and I'd hide until she forgot about it. But that wasn't the case today. "How dare you embarrass me with your absurd remarks. You will be punished for this, Penelope. And I promise you, it will not be painless."

I rolled my eyes. "You're being overdramatic. It wasn't even a big—"

I choked down a yelp as my cheek stung with the slap she oh-so-graciously gave me. My eyes burned, but I forced myself not to cry as I glared at my—and I use the term loosely—aunt.

"What the hell was that for!?" I growled, trying my best to restrain myself from striking back.

"You will not contradict me again." Her round blue eyes were in slits, but the message she delivered with them was clear enough.

"Well, maybe if you actually knew what you were talking about, I wouldn't have to contradict you!" I snapped. "Just because you don't give a damn about my parents' accident, doesn't mean I have to listen to you butcher the truth!"

From the corner of my eye, I could see Reese inching to the doorway, ready to bolt the second this was over. I didn't blame him. I know he hates to see us fight. Truthfully, he's the bravest ten-year-old I know. He never complains—even when circumstances are at their worst. He's practically a saint. But stupid-angsty sixteen-year-old me can't let shit go. Even for the sake of my own safety. You would think I would have learned after all these years, but I just can't stand Judy's haughty attitude. And when it comes to the truth of my parents, well—

She slapped me again. Harder. So hard in fact, I was nearly thrown to the floor. Carefully, I touched my cheek, feeling the swelling form beneath my hand. Dammit. That's going to bruise.

I glared at the evil sea witch, but she was no longer looking at me.

 "You never know when to shut up, Penelope!" Her short brown hair twirled in my brother's direction. "And you..." I watched Reese cower under Judy's malignant gaze, and in that moment, panic seized me. "She talks too much. You talk too little. You should have agreed with what I said. Instead, you said nothing!"

"But... but what Penn said was true."

"Why you—" her hand raised in front of Reese, and my moment of dread melted away.

I roughly grabbed my aunt's wrist, squeezing tightly as I pushed her away from my brother, and stood in-between them. "Don't you ever lay a hand on, Reese! Or so help me, I will not hesitate to murder you if you do." I gave her the fiercest look I could muster before I said in a low voice, "And I promise you, it won't be painless."

Her eyes flashed with rage as she rubbed her wrist, but my face must have been much more terrifying than I thought because she said, "You better watch that temper of yours, Penelope."

I turned my back to her, grabbing Reese's hand gently as I walked out. "You better hope I do."


"What the hell is that?" I stood up, reaching for Reese's shirt.

"What?" when he saw where my hand was going, he pushed back in his swing. "OH, uh... It's nothing, Penn. Really. Don't worry about it."

"Like hell!" I half-screamed as I thought about that she-demon laying a hand on my brother. "If Judy touched you, I will—"

"It's a hickey." He whispered, his voice cracking as Reese's entire face—including his ears—turned red from embarrassment.

"It's a what?" I squeaked, my fingers just pushing his shirt aside to see a mouth-shaped bruise on his pale skin. My eyes widened as a shocked, "Oh..." escaped my lips. "Um..." I started, my entire body heating up in unexpected mortification. "Right... you're dating someone." I quickly, recalled. Reese could barely look at me as I tried to make the situation less awkward. "Well, then... I guess things are going..." I struggled to find a word. "...good between you, huh? What was her name? That girl from Frozen... Elsa, was it?"

Reese put his head in his hands as he shook from laughter. "It's Anna. And... yeah, I guess you can say that."

"And that's all we'll say on the matter unless you want to traumatize me further."

My brother put his hand out in agreement. "Deal."

We shook on it, and I finally released a pent-up sigh of relief. At least it wasn't from Judy. I paused for just a moment. But ew... Reese and... Never mind. Stop thinking about it, Penn. You're only going to regret it.

Suddenly, I burst out laughing, making Reese's brow furrow.

"Uh, oh." He smirked at me. "Did you finally lose it? Did this throw you over the deep-end?"

I shook my head, grinning at him. "No. No. It's not that. Just... Boy, I better meet this girl soon. I gotta know who my future sister-in-law is."

My brother laughed awkwardly as he rolled his eyes at me. "Oh, my god. Penn. Stop!" He started to lead the way out of the park as he said, "Come on, let's eat. I'm starving."

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