Chapter Six: Falter

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Des Louviere

My mind tried to push back. To wiggle out of Dr. Fauna's control, but he was holding on tight, forcing me to stay still as the tiger took pleasure in toying with me. It circled me several times before swiping at my body. Delivering shallow cuts all over my back and legs.

I wanted to protest. I wanted to growl at the tiger and dig my teeth into its neck, but Dr. Fauna's control was much more formidable than I could have ever anticipated.

SNAP OUT OF IT! I screamed at myself. I pushed back against the pounding that reverberated in my mind like the sound a cymbal makes when clanged repeatedly. But my thoughts were surrounded by Dr. Fauna's. All I could do was stay still.

A deep growl suddenly erupted from my throat as the tiger went for me again, but before it could strike, another creature head butted it, pushing it away from me before clawing the tiger's face repeatedly. I watched this flash of brown fur zoom past me. I was shocked that any creature would or could come to my aid.

"Come now, Des." Hunter's smug voice rang in my ears. "I assumed this kitty cat would be nothing for you."

"Hunter!? What are you—Never mind! Be careful! Do not lose focus or Dr. Fauna will be able to control you!" I warned.

Hunter swiped hard at the tiger, but when he hit its face, he also pushed it down and held it against the pavement. "Heh!" he scoffed. "That man thinks he can control us? Control Rougarou? Well, then," Hunter's neon mint green eyes looked between me, the tiger, and Dr. Fauna. "I guess I better give him something else to focus on." Within seconds, Hunter dug his fangs deep into the tiger's neck and ripped it to shreds.

The tiger tried to kick Hunter away. With all its might it tried to gain the upper hand. To get back up again. It pushed. It squirmed, but soon, it slowly stopped moving altogether. A pang of guilt struck me as I watched the tiger's blood drip down Hunter's muzzle. Despite having the same inclination myself, it somehow felt wrong watching Hunter put down a beast that was not acting on its own will.

My uninvited guest did not miss a beat. He stepped over the tiger, his stance low and predatory as he took step after step towards Dr. Fauna. Just for fun, it seemed, Hunter howled at the man, making him jump in surprise. That momentary lapse of attention as enough to gain me my freedom. I shoved the mental shackles off my mind and watched as Hunter took lead.

It almost reminded me of the good old days... Hunter and I on the prowl.

"Stay away!" Dr. Fauna demanded of Hunter. "Back!"

But Hunter did not falter. "Man, that pounding is annoying as hell." I could feel his scowl as he took one more step forward. "You've been enduring that a lot longer, huh, cherie?"

Even though it hurt terribly, I made my way over to Hunter, and covered the other side of the stairs. "Longer than you would think." I acknowledged, keeping my eyes on Dr. Fauna so he would not try anything funny.

"Away, wolves!" he shouted at us again, but this time it didn't work on either of us.

I growled, warning the man of what would happen should he do any other idiotic actions. Despite this, Dr. Fauna took a step back and Hunter pounced forward. He pushed Dr. Fauna down and clamped his mouth over the man's neck.

"NON!" I yelled at Hunter. "Do not kill him!"

My fellow Rougarou gave me a quick side-eye before squeezing ever so slightly on Dr. Fauna's neck. "Why not? He tried to control you? He used these creatures to harm humans. Why shouldn't I just end him?"

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