Chapter Four: An Invisible Hand

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Des Louviere

I was never really one to like zoos. You probably wouldn't either if you watched others of your kind in cages. Not that Rougarou and wolves are exactly the same, but admittedly there are similarities. And on some level, we can communicate with them. If my grandparents were still around, they would tell me it was because we are descended of the Wolf Goddess—a creature of infinite power and empathy. That it is ingrained in our biology—in our souls. But I could not tell you with certainty if such a thing were true.

I smiled, thinking of my grandparents. They were tough, protective Rougarou. I shudder to think what they would think of me now. Pack-less. Away from home. Would they see me as traitorous? 

A frown slowly encroached on my features. I tried to shake it off. To let this negativity pass, but the closer I made my way to the zoo, the harder it became to even be passive. I felt a slow pounding on my temples. As if someone was trying to knock on my brain.

I exhaled, slow and deep. I promised Petite I would check out this zoo rumor. I shook off the headache and watched my surroundings cautiously as I neared Cardinal City Zoo.

People were scattering as they ran away from terror out of the zoo entrance. And it seemed that there were not enough police officers to even have a proper barricade. The three officers had their guns pointed at the entrance, ready to shoot whatever this threat was. But from my vantage point, there didn't seem to be anyone or anything coming out except the last few terrified citizens of CC. With those folks finally out, two officers closed the black iron gate, chaining it shut before returning to their gun-risen positions.

Not a good idea to go through the main gate. I thought to myself, surveying the area for a secondary route. I suppose I need to get a bit more creative. I sighed internally. The things I do for Petite.

When it seemed no one was looking, I began to walk along side the stonewall of the zoo. I went about halfway down before checking to see if there was anyone watching me. There appeared to be no one around, but my head kept on with that incessant throbbing. Again, I attempted to shake it away as I jumped up with my preternatural strength and climbed over the ten-foot wall.

On the other side, I could see animal cages torn apart. Some looked like the animals themselves rammed into it. The bars and fences of these containers were destroyed from the inside-out. One could almost say it was a jailbreak. However, most animals in the zoo aren't strong enough to do such a thing. I could make out some of the smaller creatures hiding in corners. There was one koala, in particular, that was clutching a tree limb for dear life. It was as if it was trying to stop itself from leaving the branch.

My eyes scanned everything—looking for signs of trouble. However, it wasn't until I turned a corner that I was confronted with a trio of wolves. Grey Wolves to be exact. They eyed me with a ferocious hunger. Each one bared their fangs as a low growl started in their throats. They took one step, and then another, trying to intimidate me. Which, truthfully, was so surprising. Normally, creatures stood clear of me. They recognized the Rougarou hidden within, and out of self-preservation, gave my kind room to work, so to speak. But it seemed these wolves needed reminded.

I felt myself half transform, as my fangs and talons elongated respectively. I let out a warning growl, and for a moment, the wolves shook their heads, as if awaking from a daze, but then, like an invisible hand pushing them forward, they began to approach me again.

I leered at them just before I completed my transformation into a full Rougarou. My poor clothes were ripped and tattered as they fell off my fur. And while I mourned my outfit, I made sure to keep my stance combative. I howled and growled at the wolves before swiping at them threateningly. In my full form, they became one-hundred percent obedient to me, and their haze dissipated as they each bowed in respect before running away from me. The Grey Wolves ran past me, away from where they had come from.

I suppose I should go that way then. I stared at my destroyed tank top and running shorts. Those won't do me any good now. I looked behind me, watching the tail of the last wolf turn a corner. What made those wolves act that way? I wondered. There's no way they should have confronted me so obstinately.

A concern washed over me as I headed deeper into the zoo. Petite, what did you get me into?

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora