Chapter Four: A Shot in the Dark

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Penn Benson

My heart was racing. I haven't been this nervous to enter POW! since my initial interview. And now, the percussion in my chest could be a song intro for some dramatic overture.

Ok. I told myself, taking a deep breath before swinging the door open. Relax, Benson. It's only Colin. It's not like you have feelings for him still. Right? I paused, seriously thinking about it. Nah, I shook my head. Watching a man slowly turn Joker-esque was—surprisingly—a turn off for me. I almost laughed out loud as I thought about it. Who knew?

As soon as I walked in, Colin looked up from his sketchpad, pushing back his long auburn hair. A smile broke out on his handsome face as he watched me approach. "Penn, I'm so glad you were able to make it today!" he came around the counter and gave me an awkward side hug. You know, the kind that says, 'I don't know where we stand.'

"Yeah," I said, giving him a double pat before gingerly pulling away. "No problem. You sounded a bit off. Is everything ok?"

"Everything is great now actually." He smiled, gesturing towards the breakroom. "Why don't we go somewhere a little more private. Kyle is here. He can man the front. We discussed it earlier."

"Sounds good to me." I nodded, waving at Kyle as he came down the stairs as if on cue.

"Benson!" Kyle shouted enthusiastically. "I didn't know you were on shift."

I laughed as Kyle made his way to the front register. "You wish, I was. Just popped by for a little visit."

"Damn, and I thought I was gonna be off the hook for work." He smirked at me.

I shook my head as we walked into the breakroom. "Kyle is forever being Kyle."

We laughed for a moment, reveling in our brief amusement. But that was the problem. It was brief. So, immediately, the atmosphere went from chill to awkward in .3 seconds!

"Soooooo... What is it you wanted to discuss?" I asked, trying to move this conversation along.

"There's a couple of things I wanted to talk about, but I wanted to start with I'm sorry." Colin said with sincerity in those big, brown eyes of his.

"Sorry?" I asked, confused. "For what?"

"For ghosting you last semester. I was kind of going through some stuff. It's hard to explain..."

I bit my tongue before I laughed out loud. Yeah, no shit you were 'going through some stuff.' Being Chaos' puppet could turn anyone reasonably psychotic.

"It's ok." I smiled, sympathetically at Colin. "You had a lot going on then. I get it. Sometimes we all get a little burnt out."

"Yeah... it was something like that." He said slowly. "But still, I don't want you to think it had anything to do with you. Also, I feel bad that we never got that second date. I really did... do like you Penn. If any part of you still feels like that, then..." he looked down, seemingly nervous. "...maybe we could try again. If you're into that."

My cheeks instantly heated up as Colin asked me out. I opened my mouth to speak but found myself temporarily mute. I mean, don't get me wrong. You are still one very fine man, but...

After a quick moment to get my shit together, I replied, "Thank you, but I'm sorry. I... I don't feel like that anymore."

Colin nodded understandingly. "Don't worry, Penn. I won't hold it against you." He smirked, chuckling. "Never hurts to take a shot in the dark, right? Although, I hope you will accept me on my second proposal."

"P-proposal?" I asked, wide-eyed. "What are you talking about?"

"Lately, I've had this thought that I'd like to thank Tempest." He started sheepishly.

"Tempest? Like, crime-fighting badass Tempest?" I asked in awe.

"Yeah," Colin nodded. "While I was going through my... rough patch... Tempest really came through for me and for CC. So, I thought a great way to pay tribute for all the good she's done is to make a comic series on her."

"That sounds awesome!" I replied, thrilled. "But, uh, what does that have to do with me?"

There's no way he knows she's me, right??

"Well, you're a writer, aren't you?"

"Yyyeeess." I stretched out, still not with him. "And?"

Colin laughed as he realized he would have to literally spell it out for me. "Doing the art is a lot of work by itself. So, I was hoping you would write the script and collab with me." He paused, watching me as he asked, "What do you think? Interested?"

You want me to write a story... about MY adventures?? I nearly died laughing as I thought of this.

Before I could stop myself, I started bouncing on my toes, excited by the prospect. "Totally! I'm in!"

"Really?" Colin grinned.

"Absolutely. A collab with you would be amazing, but throw in Tempest, and I am here for it." I clapped excitedly.

"Perfect!" my new partner cheered. "Should we celebrate with a bit of ice cream across the way at Shaker Park?"

I reached out for Colin's hand. He shook it, content. "Let's go, partner."

Tempest: The Moments In-Between (#1.5)Where stories live. Discover now