Chapter 21

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** Darcy's P.O.V. **  

I became restless as I sat at home with nothing to do. I knew Spencer wasn't coming back anytime soon so I decided to take a trip to Quantico. Although showing up after 20 years wouldn't go down well with the team, I decided to find the one man who knew I was alive. I drove to Quantico and followed the back entrance up to our old offices. Checking to make sure the team wasn't in sight I quickly ran up the small set of stairs outside Hotch's office and knocked gently on the door. 

"Come in" I heard the familiar stern voice 

I slowly pushed the creaking door open and stepped swiftly inside before closing it behind me 

"Hey there" I said with a grin 

Hotch looked up from his papers and his face turned white 

"Darcy" he gasped speechlessly  

"How are you Aaron?" I smiled 

"What are you, why did, does Spencer?" he began to question me but couldn't finish his sentences  

"I decided it was finally time to come home, I need to settle things with Casper and I need to see my son. Spencer was the first person I went to, he was a little overwhelmed naturally and he went to clear his head so I said I'd come see you. I don't think the team is ready to see me just yet but I needed to get out of the house" I said 

"What about your case work?" he asked 

"I put a new case officer in charge, she'll be perfect. But for now there's a lot of things I need to sort out" I huffed a sigh as I found myself even getting overwhelmed 

"If it's about your son, he knows, he was here yesterday. A friend of his hacked into our files and found your special ops case, he came to me yesterday and I had no choice but to explain. You came home at the perfect time" Hotch mumbled 

I looked at him, seeing a serious look on his face as he turned back to his papers 

"Aaron what is it?" I sighed sadly 

"Why did you come back Darcy?" he said with a harsh tone

"I told you" I looked at him confused 

"But it doesn't make sense, everyone thinks you're dead, you were fine where you were and now..." he paused and I decided to finish 

"And now I'm back and I've fucked everything up" I said sarcastically "yes I think I've figured that one out Aaron! You think this is easy on me? You think leaving my son for 20 years was easy? Leaving my husband to think I was dead?" I spat 

"I know this is shit, this whole situation is a load of shit but I finally found my opportunity to come back and set things straight" I huffed "with everyone" I finished 

I walked cautiously towards Hotch as he stood up from his desk 

"I've been fighting for so long Aaron" my voice began to quiver as I drew nearer to him "I've been running my whole life" I felt my throat start to close up as tears brimmed my eyes "I'm just so tired Aaron" I whispered  

Hotch came towards me and pulled me into a tight hug, I knew this wasn't sympathy, he was genuinely glad to have me back 

"I know" he whispered as he placed his hand on my head as I lay my head on his chest "I know" he sighed 

We stood there for what felt like forever as I sobbed into his arms when I finally decided to step back and straighten myself up 

"I'm sorry" I apologised as I wiped my tears  

"You don't ever have to apologise to me Darcy" he whispered as he placed his palm on my cheek as he wiped away my tears  

I took his hand and gave it a gentle kiss as I looked up into his eyes 

"I never stopped loving you Darcy Blake" Hotch whispered


HEYYYY EVERYONE sorry i havent updated i was away for a little while but i'll have another chapter for you guys later on. With Darcy being back so much is about to stir up! This is just the begininng 

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