Chapter 36

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** Reid's P.O.V. **

When I woke by Darcy's side the next morning a huge grin grew across my face thinking about last night. It was so good to have her back in my arms.

She turned her head into my chest as her eyes fluttered open. She let a small yawn as she stretched her arms around me

"Hey you" she whispered as she kissed my chest

"Hey" I smiled as I kissed the top of her head

"How long have you been awake?" she asks softly

"Not long, I just wanted to watch you sleep a little while, you always seem much more peaceful when you're asleep. When I first met you, you were so serious and the job was everything to you, and everything you went through with Casper and Hotch I always wondered what you were like when you just stopped. The first night we slept together I stayed awake the whole night looking at you, seeing your beauty when you were at peace" I smiled as I confess to her

"Well Spencer if I didn't love you I'd say you were a bit of a creep" she laughed as she climbed out of the bed

"Where are you going?" I question in confusion

"I've got work! The whole world doesn't stop now that you're back hunny" she smiled as she walked to my side of the bed to kiss me

"Speaking of work, have you quit or something? You haven't been in, in over a month Spencer" Darcy scolded

"No I uhh, I had a lot of time saved up and decided to take it off because of everything that was going on" I lied

"Mhhhmm" she mumbled

She walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth. I needed to tell her about Islamabad. But I've left it so long how could I tell her everything in the 20 minutes she had before work? She seemed so happy I didn't want to ruin the start of her day. No I need to stop making excuses and tell her.

"Hey Darce?" I call

"Yea?" she mumbles as she begins to brush her teeth

"I uh, the reason, I uhh, the reason" I stuttered not knowing how to word this properly

"Come on Spencer spit it out" she shouted from the bathroom

"I got a new job" I rushed my words

I heard the padding of her feet slowly slap across the floor as she made her way back into the room

"You what?" she asked slowly

"Before you came back I was offered a job with the CIA. Hotch told me I should take it, that it would be a great opportunity for me" I said trying to explain myself while watching her emotions

She stood there for a moment and then walked to my side and hugged me

"I'm happy for you Spence, it's a change certainly, but a great one" she beamed

She turned to leave for the bathroom and before she could...

"I'm leaving for Islamabad in 2 days" I say as fast as my mouth will let me

She stopped in her tracks and turned slowly to face me

"What?" she cocked her head in confusion

"My job is to track down terrorists in Islamabad with a special ops task force" I said calmly

"And when were you going to tell me? When you leave for the airport?" she began to get angry

"I'm telling you now Darce" I begin as I climb out of the bed "this is a good thing, remember?" I put my hands on her shoulders

She shoves them off just as quick

"After all this! After everything we've been through and when I finally tell you I'm ready to let you back into my life you up and leave again" she scoffs as she raises her voice and throws her hands in the air

"Darcy this could be really good for me! A new experience. I finally feel a part of something, I can finally stop something before it's too late, not just wait for it to land on my desk after the damage has been done" I try to explain to her but she's having none of it

"Spencer I just told you last night we were going to be a family again. How could we raise a child if you're half way across the world for god knows how long?" tears begin to form in her eyes as she pleads with me

"Darcy it will be fine I promise you" I whisper as I pull her into a hug

She pushes my chest

"Spencer you're going to get fucking killed and you know it!" she screams "how could you do this? How could you risk your life for some stupid job?" she cries

She was right, this was a death wish and I took it gladly

I took it for Carrie

Searching For Answers (We Can Make This Work sequel)Where stories live. Discover now